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46 Year Old · Male · From Oklahoma City, OK · Joined on May 26, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 30th · I have a crush on someone!
46 Year Old · Male · From Oklahoma City, OK · Joined on May 26, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 30th · I have a crush on someone!

While my life can be defined as a country song, it cannot fit easily into a box.

My life is not defined by what I do everyday when I put on that uniform, but defined by me getting knocked down, and then getting back up one more time. I do not claim to have all the answers, but I know that there are a few moments that have defined my life. Chris Cagle says it best: My life's been a country song.

Let me fill in part of the blank spaces. First off, I AM ONE OF A KIND! Soldier, a good guy, bad in relationships, great in friendship, a beer drinker, a jack of many trades, master of several trades, a good listener, a great talker, and a generally overall great human being. I have no rhythm, but can two-step.

I have done a lot in my 34 years: working cows, baling hay, riding horses (working, not fun), mowing grass, front desk clerk in the dorms, bagging groceries, delivering auto parts, working in a convenience store, oil change tech, automotive detail, heavy equipment operator, tech support for Creative Labs--and that was all before I enlisted. I have also been an armorer, Communications Tech, Communications Controller, Training NCO, Legal Assistance, Cisco Network Engineer, Project Manager, Electronics Shop Chief, and manager of 76 Soldiers, and am now a Warrior in Transition.

And I still do not know what I want to be when I grow up!

I've had the girl that made me say I like it, I love it, I want some more of it, and I've had my heart broke. I've had those great moments that make me judge all others by, and I've had the tears that make me want to forget. I have made mistakes, but no regrets.

I have a strong moral background, and my values may differ from everyone else, but that does not make me wrong. I am just me, like it, love it or hate it; take it or leave it.

If you aren't real with me, screw you. I don't have time for games anymore. I am getting too old for that. I don't have much down time anymore, and getting my time wasted pisses me off.

Oh yeah, and my name is Jared, and apparently I am a flirt. (according to everyone else that is.)

46 Year Old · Male · From Oklahoma City, OK · Joined on May 26, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 30th · I have a crush on someone!
I enjoy a lot of things....

I enjoy beer, good clean fun, laughing, and just being me.

Life is an adventure, it's not how much money you make, it's how much you enjoy the trip along the way.

There's a lot to be said about solitude, but there's a lot to be said about being surrounded by friends. There's peace in serenity, and serenity in chaos.

I've learned that with an open mind, there's a lot that can be enjoyed in life.

Let's see, what kind of music do I listen to?

Two main types, Country, and Western.

Kidding, I do listen to some rock, some of the older rock and roll. I have also had my taste in music expanded lately. I've gotten a lot of Metallica, Nickelback, some Kidd Rock, Pink, and just lots more than just Country. Country is my fallback, but there is other in my playlists lately.

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  • Just Me Came to a major conclusion. I need more friends.
    11 years ago · Comment

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