The first of many blogs.....
For the last few weeks I have truely noticed I am a Army Wife....
With the deployment coming on so fast and all the "normal daily things" time seems to be flying.I have noticed in the past I have been both mom & dad,friend,maid,caretaker,nurse,the works over the years and never really paid attention to my daily life.
Yesterday my Husband came home from being in the field for 3 weeks and I sat up at the company for quite a few hours with the other wives and soldiers talking and being handed paperwork for the deployment not far off.
See there is a few wives in my husbands company that have been through deployments before (that is NOT saying it is easy for them in anyway as a spouse) and they were like ok we know the routine.I being a first time spouse(not just a girlfriend/best friend this time) it was different. Even though I have been going through different field excerises (which are a week or longer at a crack) This one was the LAST one before they deploy. With the paper work and packing lists and all the meetings. Things just have been so hectic I have not had time for the net.Sorry guys Family time has been more important.
As for last night sitting up at the company with everyone waiting for formation laughing and joking with everyone I have gotten to realize how much of an ARMY Wife I have become....They talk and I UNDERSTAND THEM!!!! I can't say that I don't cry from time to time about the deployment because I do. I just don't let it ruin the time I do have my Family here with me. My family has frown to be huge it is NOT like it was once of the kids and my family...It has become one that has well over 100 people in it that are CLOSE NIT together!!!
There are 80 soldiers in my husbands' company and everyone of the guys I can laugh and joke with and share things with that mean just as much to me as it does to them!! They are my family! Moffitt has become my brother He is part of our house has been since day one! Without Moffitt being around our house would not be the same!!
Today I found out Moffitt leaves earlier then my husbands' company. So for a few weeks before my husband deploys Moffitt will be gone.I know that from April 1 until all the guys come home from the deployment my Life will be turned upside down waiting. I will be dealing with the FRG. Keeping busy making sure That I really don't have time to cry.
I WILL ALWAYS be thinking of everyone of the guys all them in the company and all the other ones that I have met and become friends with.No matter what happens My 1st year as an Army Wife I will never forget!!
Thank you GUYS!!!
Love you all and can't wait until you all get home!!!!