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1. Yesterday sucked, today sucked, tomorrow is going to suck, and this seems to be a pretty solid forecast for the rest of my enlistment. 2. Spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year training for something that there is a 99.9% chance that we will never do. 3. WWWDWOA? (what would we do without acronyms?) 4. Taking simple daily tasks and breaking them down into nuclear physics before doing them. 5. Having to attend a brief prior to carrying out any task more complicated than picking my nose. 6. Being a personal servant (that's basically all I am) to any one of the 300 thousand people in the military who out-rank me. 7. Being an adult and having somebody inspect me everyday to make sure I put my clothes on properly, and put my shoes on the right feet. 8. Having to wear a "cover," or hat, every time I want to go outside. 9. I love cleaning the same places over and over and over until either the paint comes off or my hands are bleeding. 10. Without the military’s influence and good teaching, I would never have realized that you can sweep water with a broom for hours every time it rains. 11. There just aren’t that many jobs out there where you can rest assured that everyone you work for is just waiting to screw you over any way they possibly can. 12. If I got out, I would surely miss the idea of waking up every morning for a "meeting". 13. Getting to wear civilian clothes whenever I am on leave. 13. Getting to eat meat that comes in boxes labeled " not fit for human consumption" and "for institutional use only." 14. Getting "random" drug tests every couple of weeks. I was "randomly" picked for every test for almost two years straight. Not many people can testify to taking about 50 drug tests in the past two years without having ever been caught doing drugs in my life. 15. Waking up every morning and going to "staff meeting" where a piece of paper is read to me even though it is posted on the wall and on the offices internet, both of which I have access to. I guess I can't read. 16. Going to medical complaining of severe heart and chest pain and being told to come back during "sick-call" the next day. 17. I love the fact that my opinion has about as much influence as my sister's pet iguana's. 18. Because no matter how much I hate my job, I have to respectfully request to get a different one. Event then it is only if my "chain of command" permits. 19. You do not have to respect the person, you have to respect what they wear on their collar or sleeve. 20. I love the fact that the military wonders why we have so many people around the world that hate our country. I am sure that us being bullies and telling the world what they can and cannot do, then ignoring those rules ourselves has nothing to do with it. 22. I hate good food. 23. I love the " you are U.S. ambassadors" speech. 24. I hate spending time with my family. 25. Not only getting to do my own job, but getting stuck with as many additional duties as my chain of command wants to give me. 26. Having to change your computer password every two weeks to keep terrorists from hacking into our email or even playing a innocent game of solitaire. 27. When you get out you will only be 38-40. You still have your entire life ahead of you. Yeah, okay, I want my life to start at 38. 28. What? You are going on leave? 29. Oh, look...There's the boss. We better all stand at attention until he tells us we can move. Do they do that in the civilian world too? 30. Is that local time or Zulu? 30. I want to work somewhere that has total control of my paycheck so that they can take half if I mess up. 31. If I get in trouble out in town I would like to get woken up the next day at 6 am and have to stand in front of my boss, manager, assistant manager, and anyone else who has nothing better to do so that they can all chew my ass. 32. Can we be tested to make sure we are physically-fit every year only please make exceptions to this for enormously fat 30+ year old NCOs and Officers. 34. Where else can you pay taxes to pay your own paycheck? 35. You take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and after that the Constitution doesn't even apply to you. 36. Because only during magic shows and military working hours are the rules of logic suspended. 37. Because no-matter how stupid you are, you will eventually get promoted by accumulating points for not getting promoted. 38. Because where else can you get your teeth drilled and jacked up whether they need it or not? 39. Where else can you get given shots by people who claim to practice medicine that didn't even graduate from high school, and can't even pronounce the name of the drug that they are injecting you with? 40. Because if you've had enough military #### for one lifetime and you want to quit, you can rest assured that the military will do everything it can to screw you over for the rest of your life. 41. Because it's fun to go to medical to get your eye checked out and have the tech point a light in your eye for ten minutes until you are blind and then to hear them say, "that was cool, let's try the other one." 42. Why did our parents even bother giving us first names? 43. IN what other job can you do things NOT the RIGHT WAY, but the "MILITARY WAY"? 44. Sitting around twiddling my thumbs all day long until about 4:00pm, even though I finished all of my work by ten in the morning is really fun to do every DAGGOM DAY...it builds character. 45. Who really wants to have any control over their life anyway?
She is my most dependable friend ever... I love her to death... I'm so happy to have her in my life. She helped me out with her chearing words and that she was just there for me whenever I needed an open ear/available reading eyes... ;-) Now, I put her in the contest of the MOST DEPENDABLE FRIEND.... Please my friends... stop by and rate and comment bomb her. She needs to win. Just click on the picture.... image.php?u=194821&i=3853965373&tn=1 Thank you to all of you my friends, fans and family members... Dee_licious (repost of original by 'DEE-licious *is supportin da troops* ~RATE,ADD & FAN ME~' on '2007-03-12 23:14:58')


so on tuesday it was 6 months ago that my best friend was killed in iraq. you would think the pain would be a little bit easier to cope with, but NOPE!!! I never thought the pain would be greater now! i have been through so fucking much this week. it's ri-fucking-diculous. i just dont know what to do anymore. I hate where i am in life right now. I'm depressed all the time, i can't sleep, i cant do this anymore! I want my best friend back. I want to be able to joke around with him. I want him to give me advice on what to do. I just want to give up! Oh well, i have too much to do today to sit here and be depressed beyone belief. ~BrokenHearted

I am through!

I am done with letting you hurt me! i have given you plenty of chances to change. i have looked past everything that you did in the past, but what you just did this weekend is the last straw! I have taken too much abuse: physical, mental, verbal, emotional abuse. I am not going to sit here and let you do this to me! you sit there and tell those that youi work with not to mess with me because i am bipolar and could snap at any minute. well, guess what?! I DID SNAP!!! i massively snapped! I'm done. I'm going back to my old ways! ENJOY IT!!! BECAUSE I AM A TOTAL BITCH!!! THE SECOND YOU STEP OUT OF LINE I AM GONE!

what Wicca is and is NOT

What Wicca Is Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion with many traditions that date to pre-Christian (and prehistoric) Earth religions. It is based on a deep respect for nature and the certain knowledge that we do not have the right to exploit it for our own gain. Wiccans are deeply concerned with conservation and ecology, and as in all Neo-Pagan religions, Wiccans believe that both animate and inanimate objects possess a spirit which forms part of the Whole. Note that we do not use the term "spirit" in the Judeo-Christian sense of a "ghost," but rather that essence which every object possesses that links it to nature and makes it an inalienable part of the universe. Wicca is a celebration of the life-forces of nature as personified by the Goddess and her consort, the God. Wicca may includes the practice of magic which is defined as the process of causing change through the focusing of our natural powers. It is important to note that magic is natural. There is nothing supernatural about it. We use certain tools such as spells, visualization, chants, candles, amulets and meditation to help us focus our power, but the power comes from within -- it is not in the tools. Our ancestors knew how to use it effectively, but it is a largely forgotten art in modern times. What Wicca is Not Wicca is not a cult. A cult presupposes blind faith in a central figure whose every word is regarded as ultimate truth, and the utter conviction that no other way or philosophy will lead to this truth. You would be very hard pressed to find a Wiccan anywhere who would blindly follow anyone else. Wiccans are historically very independent people who seek truth from within through rituals, meditation, magic, study and communion with nature. Wiccans respect the right of everyone to worship in their own way. We do not feel that Wicca is the only way -- only that it is our way. Wicca is not synonymous with Satan worship. The very concept of a supreme evil spirit is alien to Wicca. In fact, most Wiccans do not even believe in Satan. The devil is a Judeo-Christian construct and as such, it has nothing to do with Wicca. The notion that witches worship Satan was propounded by the Roman Catholic Church as it made its way across Europe, in an effort to suppress the native earth-based religions prevalent at the time. They succeeded to the extent that they drove the practitioners of these religions underground where much of their knowledge and traditions were lost. Through the work of the Golden Dawn, as well as anthropological and archeological research, many of these traditions have been rediscovered and incorporated into Neo-Paganism, an umbrella term for most modern earth-based and shamanistic religions. Wicca does not include flying on brooms. Mostly, witches drive cars or ride bikes, although I have often wished for a flying broom when I'm caught in rush-hour traffic. There are many rituals which include brooms, however, and these may be the source of the flying-broomstick stories. In parts of Europe, some people run across their fields astride a broom to coax the grain to grow. They may also jump over a broom handle asking the grain to grow as high as their highest leap. It is also common for a ceremonial broom to be used to sweep away negative forces from any area one wishes to cleanse. Wicca is a celebration of the life-forces of nature as personified by the Goddess and her consort, the God. Wicca may includes the practice of magic which is defined as the process of causing change through the focusing of our natural powers. It is important to note that magic is natural. There is nothing supernatural about it. We use certain tools such as spells, visualization, chants, candles, amulets and meditation to help us focus our power, but the power comes from within -- it is not in the tools. Our ancestors knew how to use it effectively, but it is a largely forgotten art in modern times. NOT all Witchs are Wiccan, nor are all Wiccan Witchs. Wicca is religious while Witchcraft is a practice. I am learning witchcraft and have studied wicca, they are not the same even though similar.

My Quotes For My Life

"hurt is the soul of love, you must endure it and embrace it b/c when love, as a body, dies the soul, as the hurt, must continue to that inevitable unknown heaven, such as life, in a persuit of another body(love)" what good is your reality, when justice fails and dishonesty is glossed over and the ones who keep faith suffer.


Please help me out! Can you please help me out? My Fox head tattoo is in a contest. The significance behind my tattoo is i got it in memory of my best friend that was killed in iraq. Please rate and comment bomb it. image.php?u=234108&i=2292469846&tn=1


image.php?u=234108&i=2292469846&tn=1 It is for the memory of my best friend that was killed in iraq. PLEASE GO RATE AND COMMENT!

Walk With Me....

WALK WITH ME And my soul will rebound at your touch Then swell so large and finally free To pursue a course of love and joy Where only once was black disharmony So touch away, my endless love, Touch me in ways so far from mine, Touch me as you would your deepest desire Then take my hand and walk with me. As partners we go, hand in hand Down the windswept lane of happy life; Nevermore to be alone again When the raven black of night descends. © Jennifer Crow
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