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43 Year Old · Male · From Portales, NM · Joined on March 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 6th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
43 Year Old · Male · From Portales, NM · Joined on March 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 6th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!


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Hello everyone! My name is

I get a lot of Oscar Mayer Weiner, Oscar De La Hoya, Oscar De La Renta, Oscar the Grouch. I'm 27 years old. I’m a pretty shy guy, but living up once I’ve gotten to know you. I used to be a very trusting person, but I’ve been walked on and had that knife in my back twisted and pushed deeper in, just one to many times. For that reason, I don’t open up in a relationship like I should. I tend to keep everything withheld inside me. Not good for the relationship I know. I’m very self conscious. I don’t dance unless its country music, anything else playing good luck getting me out on the dance floor. I have a low self esteem. I have depression pretty bad, or so I think. I can get pretty down pretty fast and for a long period of time. I hate it! What a lovely combo huh, depression, low self esteem, and self consciousness. LOL To add to that I’m a pretty emotional guy, though lately I tend to hide it. Don’t like people seeing that part of me. I tend to let work run my life, which apparently to some ex’s is a big no-no. Gotta pay those bills some how right. I’m a kid at heart and always will be. I love to play video games, especially when I’m feeling down. There’s nothing like sniping someone’s head off in Halo or Gears of War when you’re down and out. LOL Does that make me sound psychotic? Maybe I am, who knows. I like to party and have a good time. Beer Pong is my kryptonite. If there’s a game of Beer Pong where I’m at I’m jumping in for sure. You could say I’m kind of a nerd, 1) I love computers, 2) I love video games, like previously mentioned, 3) I like to get my hands on the latest gadgets and gizmos that hit the market (currently going after the new Blackberry Storm/Touch from Verizon Wireless). I LOVE SPEED! It’s my drug of choice, nothing like hitting 130 on some open road. Some may be thinking 130 that’s nothing! Well unfortunately the spoiler on my car can only handle 130. Anything higher than 135-140 and the back end starts fish tailing. I think I may have ADD. I have trouble concen… Oh look a shine object. LOL J/K I do have trouble concentrating on things though. Lectures, school, things like that and my mind starts wondering after a 20-30 minutes. Well back to relationships though, I’m a very honest and loyal/faithful guy. Pretty much if I don't want it done to me, then I myself won't do it. Karma she's a bitch. I was born in El Paso, TX. I lived there for 13 years and then moved to Ruidoso, Nm. I lived there for almost 5 years, and finally came here to Portales, Nm. I've been living here ever since. I’m currently working at Roosevelt General Hospital (RGH) in the Emergency Room. I'm the ER Clerk I register all the patients that need to be seen in the ER. I also work in the front offices as a receptionist and switchboard. Sometimes I even do all three in one day! This year I'm also working in the OR helping out with the eye surgeries. I am currently seeing someone. Her name is Angela. I've know Angela for about 7-8 years now. Had a crush on her since I met her. Angela has been a really great girlfriend. She's been there for me through many rough times before we got together. now that we are together she is there for me even more. She not only is my girlfriend, she is my best friend, my life, my heart, my air, my everything. I look forward to the months and years to come and the obstacles that life throws our way. With her by my side I say, "Take your best shot at me life." Thanks for everything Babe! Not only are you beautiful on the outside but your beautiful on the inside. Just think we may have to do something about this whole Pittsburgh Steelers thing! I mean honestly, the Steelers! I have 3 beautiful kids.

My Kids


My Niece & Nephews


I have a beautiful daughter named Kendra Alexis Diaz and a handsome son named Alex Caden Diaz and the beautiful newborn Katelynn. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. My brother Aaron is in the Marine Corps and just recently returned from Iraq to a beautiful baby boy. He is stationed in California at Camp Pendleton. My sister Monique lives in Tuscon AZ. She just recently moved there!! Miss her lots!! Michael, you will always be my brother, he is in the Army. Michael is stationed at Fort Riley, KS. My parents both live here in Portales. As a matter of fact they still live in the same house that we moved into 8 years ago. I’m the type of person that will listen to any problems that you have and offer my advice to you time and time again. Doesn’t matter what type of problem it is that you’re going through. Oh and as you can tell I'm a extreme Dallas Cowboys fan!! If you want to know more message me!

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& I'll prove you wrong.

What to do & I'll tell you off.

I'm not worth it & watch where I end up.

A bitch & I'll show you one.

Over & I'll do it to you twice as bad.

Crazy but you really have no idea.

dallas cowboys

These are some of the greatest words to live by!!

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance,
grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life,
let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.

But Most Importantly!!

Never Make Someone A Priority If They Only Make You An Option!!

Some of you know what I'm talking about!!




43 Year Old · Male · From Portales, NM · Joined on March 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 6th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Some People I Would Love To Meet!!

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..Taylor Swift..

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..Anna Kournikova..

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..Jessica Simpson..

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..Morgan Webb..


..Ironman, Superbad, Transformers, Family Guy: Stewie’s Untold Story, Meet the Robinsons, The Kingdom, War, Hitman, Return to House on Haunted Hill, The Number 21, Dead Silence, X-Men I II III, Rush Hour I II III, Exorcism Of Emily Rose, Fantastic 4, Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer, The Messengers, Goodfellas, Bad Boys I & II, Blade, Bourne Identity, The Grudge, The Dukes Of Hazard(Okay maybe that ones more cause of Jessica Simpson in a little red bikini and some short shorts!!), I Robot, Spiderman I, II & III, Finding Nemo, Hoodwinked, Robots, Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar, Ace Venture, Sin City, Black Sheep, Blackhawk Down, Behind Enemy Lines, and many more!!! I like just about everything but mainly into the horror/scary movies!
..I like all kinds of music. I mainly like rap,hip-hop though. I'll listen to anything, but opera.


..Ironman, Superbad, Transformers, Family Guy: Stewie’s Untold Story, Meet the Robinsons, The Kingdom, War, Hitman, Return to House on Haunted Hill, The Number 21, Dead Silence, X-Men I II III, Rush Hour I II III, Exorcism Of Emily Rose, Fantastic 4, Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer, The Messengers, Goodfellas, Bad Boys I & II, Blade, Bourne Identity, The Grudge, The Dukes Of Hazard(Okay maybe that ones more cause of Jessica Simpson in a little red bikini and some short shorts!!), I Robot, Spiderman I, II & III, Finding Nemo, Hoodwinked, Robots, Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar, Ace Venture, Sin City, Black Sheep, Blackhawk Down, Behind Enemy Lines, and many more!!! I like just about everything but mainly into the horror/scary movies!
Video Games
Halo 1 2 & 3, Gears Of War, Ghost Recon, All the Grand Theft Autos, Etc... I'll add more later!!

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