Attention All Friends,Fans + most Family Mbrs.
I would be Most Greatfull,if u-all could take the Time,to do a few Comments for
my Sweet Friend,Theresa.B.G.D.'s Yummy of the L.D.C. + Club F.A.R. Family's.With 100,
Comments it might just land u in my New Family that I'm trying to Create.Requirerments
would be,Showing Heart,Love,respect,Loyalty.
.Doing Favors for each other.Rates,Comments,etc.Just be Nice ,Show some Love,not Hate.
I'd also like a few special Family members to have Wolf Morphs,prefferable.
I'd be forever Greatfully for Comments.
HeraticBitch now Consulate, Also needs Votes,for the Long Hair Contest.She is a longtime,
member of the L.D.C.F.She had more Votes than she has at this time.There must of been a
a Glitch in the System that Erased everyones Votes.( I lost 1,805 in my morph contes).
I had already commented Heratic~Consort,over 200.
Hopefully Lady WitchsBrew,took 3rd place with my Help,in the Beauty Contest.
Lizzy could use comments herself in 2,different Contests her Latest best Tatt.
If you can't Vote atleast Level me,I only need 1,000 plus.I must have close to 400 Stash
Items that could use Ratings as well.
Hope Everyone has a Kick Ass Awesome Weekend.Peace Show Some Love.
Lord_Fish_Wolf,~L.R.L.F.+ Club F.A.R member