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54 Year Old · Male · From Fort Meade, MD · Joined on April 9, 2009 · Born on October 14th
54 Year Old · Male · From Fort Meade, MD · Joined on April 9, 2009 · Born on October 14th

I enjoy a lot of things, it is hard to explain them all. Some are simply things like good coffee or fine wine, but I also like dark, mysterious things and anything strange and exotic. I am a very passionate person by nature, but I have a hard time expressing it. My passions have gotten the best of me at times, and I have made a fool of myself more than once because of them. I fall deeply in love, and get hurt very easily, so I have become very careful about who I let into my heart. Closeness and intimacy are very important to me, when a relationship reaches that stage. I am not afraid to hold hands, show affection, or even become amorous in public, and I am not afraid to show my feelings for someone (loudly, publicly and continuously if i feel the urge.) I can be very spontaneous and impulsive, but, like my passions, I have a hard time getting it out sometimes. I have very few people that I can call true friends, and am very selective about who I let into that circle. I believe in taking time to get to know people, talk and make friends. I like darkness, mystery and philosophy, with a touch of sensuality and, sometimes, straight lust, interjected. My sense of humor is on the dry, obscure side, with an (un)healthy dose of raunch and perversion thrown in. I can find humour in a lot of things that other people cannot. I like tattoos and body modifications, and am planning to get a few more when I get the chance. I like to laugh and I enjoy making people laugh. I did a little stand-up many years ago at a local restaurant, and my goal was to have something come out of someone's nose from laughter every night. I didn't always get there, but sometimes I did... I am open and honest and expect the same from everyone, and refuse to play games of any kind. I absolutely cannot stand false people who are incapable of being honest. If you cannot be honest with yourself first, then you cannot be honest with anyone else. To me there is nothing worse than two-faced people.

And now I have to say a few things to those people that can't resist being morons! If any of these things describe you, you might either want to go away, or not even talk to me in the first place!

First things first, I am an Army veteran with over 20 years of service and am still serving. I probably will continue to serve until they force me to retire! I love my country and made the commitment to defend her and those she says I should a long time ago! For those of you stupid enough to think that the Military is anything other than the thing that has kept you enjoying the freedoms you enjoy everyday, pull your head out of your a$$ and grow up!

Second, I am NOT a republican or a democrat. I am not a "conservative" or a "liberal." Personally, these labels are repulsive. I think both groups are equally stupid and equally to blame for just about every problem we have in this country today. I choose to think for myself rather than follow some other sheep that are following some party's "doctrine" or "platform" or whatever you want to call it. Thinking for yourself is one of the basic rights everyone has in this country. So, why don't people exercise that right? Probably because taking care of yourself is also basic common sense, and there are a lot of people that don't seem to want to do that either (think welfare, affirmative action, prison...) Of course, thinking for yourself would imply that we should have more than 2 political parties... If you understand that, you might just be able to understand what I am saying. (Of course, I didn't say that either one shouldn't exist as parties, did I?)

Third, my religion is NO ONE'S BUSINESS BUT MINE! I do not advertise my religion and expect you to do the same. I keep mine to myself, so should you! If you happen to discover what my religion is on your own, congratulations! You've just won the "shouldn't really give a crap, but am insecure in my own beliefs so I had to find out" award! If you really want to know, then get to know me, become friends with me (and not just "online" "friends.") Maybe the conversation will come up. Then you can show your true colors by running away screaming (if you are doing it just to find out,) or (once you've gotten to know me) respecting my beliefs (which you should have done in the first place.) Or if you are like half the people I know, you could actually listen and maybe you would learn something!

Fourth, girls, stop saying how you'll webcam me or have cybersex with me in exchange for favors or doing it simply because you want the attention! You are either a slut or a whore and you can just keep moving... If you have revealing pics, fine. So do I. If you want to flirt, fine. So do I. If you want conversation and friendship, fine. So do I. If it DEVELOPS into more than that, fine, but the key is it'll develop on its own! If you want money, fubar levels, or bling, or bombs, or auto-11's, or anything else equally pointless, stay away. If you want sex, I am sure there are a million other guys out there (half of which you've probably been with already) that will be more than happy to catch something from you...

Fifth, guys, if you are here for the girls I just mentioned above, guess what? You are douchebags! They don't want you, anyway. They want your stuff! Girls like that always want the ones they won't get. That's right, the ones that will actually treat them with some respect (which they won't get acting like that anyway.) And that's obviously not you! Get a clue... And if a chick tells you to take a hike or get lost, stop making it hard for us guys that actually want to get to know them to do so!!! (Of course, being the douchebag you are, you won't care...)

Oh, and one more thing! If you are a racist or a sexist, intolerant of other people's religions or lifestyles, or just an old-fashioned bigot of any kind, take your sorry a$$ somewhere else. You're not even worth my time.

Lastly, this is my profile. MINE! (With permission of babyjesus, of course.) If you don't like what it says here, go away! Don't send me a bunch of hatemail or profile comments or anything else. I won't respond. But, I will post your picture and a brief description of you and how screwed up you are under the section of my "About Me" that you chose to ignore... Then I will just delete and block you. I love the block function. It's like erasing your stupid a$$. And here's the good thing, if you are really a jerk, you can get deleted! So, if you want to check me out, please do so, but do so with the knowledge that I am here for my interests. If they happen to be in synch with yours, great, drop me a message, comment or request. If not, just move along...

54 Year Old · Male · From Fort Meade, MD · Joined on April 9, 2009 · Born on October 14th
I like the outdoors, wide open spaces, wind and rain. I love gardening, mostly vegetables, but a few flowers here are there. I am a hardcore reader and read every chance I get. I am also kind of a techie and love the nerdy, computer stuff. I don't center my life around my computer like a lot of others do, but I love the latest technology and play with it quite a bit. I am a total adrenalin junkie! I am slowing down a bit, but find fresh spurts of energy now and again. Driving fast, skydiving, bungee jumping, base jumping, para-sailing, hang gliding... I love tattoos and body mods (in case you couldn't tell from my pics,) and have a whole series of them laid out that I am planning on getting... I make my own beer, wine, pickles, cheese, candles, soap, and LOVE to cook! And I am pretty good at it if I do say so myself! I like working on cars, and love to have projects to tinker with. I enjoy researching alternate means of power and one day hope to own a house completely powered by wind and solar power.
A lot of stuff! Basically it is all about the rhythm of the music - Classic Rock, Alternative, Punk, House and Electronica, Hip-Hop, Industrial, Jazz, Blues. Occasionally, I like a little country, but mostly the old stuff, like Hank Williams Jr, George Jones and Merle Haggard. I believe music is an expression of mood and my mood varies, as does what I like listening too. Rhythms and beats do it for me and certain vibes just strike a chord (so to speak...) My MP3 player usually has songs from Rammstein, Juvenile, Eminem, Iron Maiden, The Atomic Fireballs, The Violent Femmes, Korn, The Cramps, Pink, Enfant Terrible, Man-o-War, Siouxie and the Banshees, Motorhead, Eazy-E, The Pixies, Acidophilus, Jimmy Hendrix, Earth Wind and Fire, and a lot of others.

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