Joined on April 18, 2009
Born on January 1st
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
"Living life with a broken heart, seeking myths I do no longer. But the one thing that sets me apart is that it makes me that much stronger."
About me: My name, is Adam. The display name I have is just a hispanic pronounciation and the way my mother calls me whenever i get into trouble =P. Muzik is my life and I love it. It is my "drug" for everything. It helps me concentrate, it keeps me calm in hectic situations & prevents me from panicing & not thinking straight when avoiding a car accident lol. I am my own studio, and my own producer. I do my own graphic designing and photography work to create my album booklets, traycards and labels. I've also started designing a clothing line and made some posters. I love to write, rhyme, and I love creativity. If I was to be classified into a certain group, like how highschool students have their own groups, I would fit into about 90% of the groups. When it comes to muzik I like speed and catchy patterns or smooth and chill beats the most. I love rhyme & I like a lot of imagery. My favorite Holiday is Halloween and my favorite types of movies or horror, comedy, action and some drama. My favorite colors in descending order are Orange, Black, Grey, Neon Green, and White with a little blue or purple here and there. Oh, and I also enjoy shiny things lol. I like "twisted" designs and patterns as well as an antique look to statues and architecture. Kinda like what old mansions would have. I like thrill and getting the heart racing. I didn't quite choose to be involved with paranormal stuff, it just kinda came to me, but I do find it very fascinating. It was kinda weird at 1st, but I was only 6yrs old so I didn't know better, and the following years just got creepier but once I decided to do some research on it & know what I was dealing with I became more comfortable & accepting of it. I know 80% of the world doesn't believe in the paranormal & i know th@ 20% of them are just in denial but sooner or later, in their own time, their eyes and mind will be opened as mine have been. Anyway, so the type of muzik I create a lot of my friends feel would be great 4 horror movies. I started off rapping & doing a little hiphop but with who I am and what sounds and patterns interest me, i kinda seem 2 have created a new genre. It's got a hiphop beat with some haunting riffs and melodies and a creepy smooth pace and included are some emo/goth lyrics. I write about personal experiences, popular legends, and sometimes make some plots up myself 4 a story to write. In all my songs I use metaphores, annalogies, and personification along with a majority of supernatural and paranormal imagery. I may seem a lil "creepy" to some ppl but I do know that I have a romantic side to me & will go beyond the limit to do something creative & uncommon as long as it's still fun =]. My favorite foods in descending order are Asian, Mexican, American, and Italian. Any others, i can't think of right now lol. I'm a huge money spender which can be bad so I try to save as much as possbile but I tend to spend something whenever I come across anyway. I also have a yahoo IM so if you wanna add me & chat my email 4 yahoo is I like to give my room a creative atmosphere so a few years ago I had put Halloween glow-in-the-dark spiderwebs across my ceilling and a fogger under my bed. Now (2010) I have an orange rope light under my bed which i can just blug in 2 turn on and have orange underglow or I can flip a lightswitch & turn on my strobe light th@'s under my bed. I have different colors 4 it 2: white, blue, red, or green. Now i just gotta find that softstrobing skull fogger I got for Halloween last year lol I also love the moon. =] the way it glows in the night, the way it lights up the dark just enough for the shadows to seem to move around on their own and the dark blue color on the block. the fade of white in the sky with the grey-glowing clouds above. The feel of it's light on your face and the stillness of the earth. the only thing th@ might be a downfall tho is sometimes it can get really cold lol i preffer heat. some ppl say the cold is betr cuz u can always add more layers than u can take off layers if it's too hot but im not selfconcious =] nothing to be ashamed about XD ----------------------------------------------------------- Recent Poems-
Opened Eyes: So much anger and unforgiveness No More linger on how to end this The slightest spark will set a blaze She's done her part to destroy this place
My soul once whole now shattered down With my wall I wear my crown Of a past not to repeat Thses demons burn, dust to my feet
Numb to all that try to feel Nothing in my world's real Get out of here, I haunt this room There's nothing left but hopeless doom
You will get that uninvited Feeling, killing the joy inside it There's nothing here you can do for me You're powerless, you better leave
There's no truth in any life Just two years of living lies The truth is in after you die Destroyed hearts are Opened Eyes.
~Antonio Viernes
Joined on April 18, 2009
Born on January 1st
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Raven Just got a new cell phone! Whoever would like the update on my number just send me your contact info and i'll txt it to u. if u dont have txting, let me know and i will either call or fu-msg it 2 u.
OllyTwist Happy Thanksgiving my dear Friend. Have a blessed day with your family, sharing love and many beautiful smiles. xoxo
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