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Snuggles01's blog: "Another Day!"

created on 02/14/2007  |  http://fubar.com/another-day/b55485


Hey Yall, Long time no write. I thought I would fill ya in on whats going on. I am still single. Working two jobs so I don't get out much. Life is kind of hectic right now. I am looking into jobs in Florida. Maybe I will find my dream job. My birthday is fast approaching. Which is really scary. I will be 27 this year. Oh my how the time flys. For those of you that I missed your b-day, I am sorry. Im not online much anymore. Hopefully I can get a pic up sometime soon. Have to wait and see. Well thats it for now. Write me and let me know whats going on with yall. Hope to talk again soon. J

Ello Again

Hey Yall, Long time no talk. Been really busy. Nothing much ever really changes. Im still single and still job hunting. I think that is going to be the story of my life. Missouri still sucks so im trying to find a way out in the form of a job. Well peeps send me messages or get on yahoo. Im not online much but will try to write again soon.

Movin Again

Well yall I have had lots of fun in wyoming but it looks like im headed back to missouri. I am still job hunting which is about to kill me. I will be back in missouri around the 14th or 15th. For those of u that don't know my grandpa was givin about a week to live so i really need to be with my family right now. I hope to have time to write more later. But thats all for now. I hope everyone keeps in contact.

Yet again

Yet again I have opened my mouth and made someone mad. Someone I care a lot about. He doesn't seem to understand that I am frustrated and would like to talk. Why it is sooo hard for him to talk to me I will never know. Oh well I will probably never see him again after this month is over. Why does life have to be so hard?????

26 days left

I am still job hunting. The sad reality is my job is done in 26 days so I am running out of time. The day ahead will be busy as can be. Matters that had been left unsettled are now becoming urgent. Today brings an opportunity to release some steam, Joni, but it's also time to realize the toll these stressful situations take on your physical health. So set some time aside for relaxation, but not before you've resolved outstanding issues once and for all... You don't need to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut, nor do you need to use such strong means to bring about a resolution between you and your lover. Whilst you may feel that the situation merits tough love, it may be better to use a more gentle method, and even go out of your way to be extra kind. Don't make the conflict worse. Think about it. An opportunity for extra cash is coming your way today. Be on the lookout for bonus opportunities on the side. This opportunity is not part of your typical routine but it certainly has the potential to be quite profitable. Be sure to go for it! Love: The Tower Touchstone: The Chariot Career: Temperance Pangs of jealousy, conflicts of interest, exaggerated words - you're in danger of living on your nerves today and of having some serious rows with your loved ones. The Chariot's impulsiveness is taking you into the dangerous territory of provocation, while the Tower, which represents you, is suggesting some serious disagreements, dear Joni . Go sleep in the guest room! As far as your professional life is concerned, your main characteristics today are ambition and patience, greatly enhancing your chances of making progress in your career. Temperance and the Chariot signify that you will be able to seize any opportunities that present themselves and to take the correct decision about either accepting or refusing, always with good reason. Clearly, you cannot go wrong, and your business or professional projects are bound to be successful. You are a very responsible worker. Enjoy any well-deserved praise or recognition that comes your way early this week. Financial decisions are favored on Tuesday. Midweek may be stressful. If you say exactly what you think, be prepared to end up at odds with someone. Not everyone appreciates the direct approach. Invite friends for a good meal or other enjoyable activity this weekend. Do not be too judgmental in a romantic situation. A more accepting attitude can bring unexpected rewards. Are you a little anxious today Joni? It's possible...Today's vibrations are electric...You will have to choose between taking action or undertaking short-term projects rather than working on things that require patience. Watch out concerning how you react around people because real tensions already exist and they could get worse - or there could even be some break ups!

Horoscope 7-24-2007

Well tomorrow I leave for a much need vacation. Go home and visit the family hopefully I will find a job while I am there. Still stuck somewhere inbetween love and lust. Such as it is! You know it just dawned on me I turn 26 in 6 days. Who wants to buy me drinks? A festival, rally, or other mass event could take place today in your community, Joni. The event could center upon a social, ecological, or political issue. You could well decide to attend in the company of a romantic partner, and perhaps also a group of friends. This event could prove exciting for you, though some of what you learn there might be unsettling. Take a notebook and plenty of pens. You'll want to keep a record. Even though you may feel confused by the motives of your loved one, the celestial energy means that you can actually trust them. You may not understand why they are doing what they are doing, but all you need to know is that ultimately it IS for your benefit. All will be revealed later on, and then you can breathe a huge sigh of relief and start smiling. Today, you’ll be basking in a warm and friendly atmosphere, dear Joni . The Star and Death are putting the smile back on your face, even though you might be emerging from a painful story that’s left a bitter taste in your mouth. But you are now able to redress your sense of balance and find harmony with your friends and within yourself. You want to keep it that way. And, whatever your own subjective feeling, the Star is protecting you in your professional environment… The doubts that might ruffle your feathers come straight from the Lovers, but if you focus on the positive, you will realize that events and interactions with your colleagues and partners go smoothly throughout the whole day, and this should give you plenty of hope for the future. Learn to fight off these doubts and uncertainties, which are detrimental to your projects. You have a promising future and you would be mistaken to believe otherwise! You may feel pressured to make a decision this week. Stand your ground. It’s wise to insist on more time to research the possibilities and consider the outcomes. A cautious approach brings the best results. Potentially difficult or confusing relationships may dominate your thoughts later this week. Say only half of what you’re actually thinking. Friends who offer genuine joy and enthusiasm are your best companions this weekend. Enjoy getting out socially under Sunday's Full Moon. Your emotional needs are apt to take center stage on this 6-Day, Joni. This is a common effect of this vibration, as it speaks to the part of you that needs to feel connected to a sense of family, roots, and the home environment. Your dedication is surely noticed by those in your life, as you probably are constantly doing things to show your caring. However, how about taking a little time to share your company? This can be deeply rewarding under this influence, Eleven. Very interesting lets see if any of it comes true!

Horoscope 7-19-07

If only it all came true!! Love is very much in the air today, Joni, so be sure to take advantage of this auspicious environment! Invite your loved one over for an afternoon of play. You could play hide and seek under the bedcovers! Or, if you do not have a playmate in your life at the moment, find others ways to fulfill the passion you are feeling. Spend the afternoon reading a trashy romance novel, or invite a girlfriend to watch 'Bridges of Madison County' with you. Have a good cry and clear your system. Although your loved one may seem to be more inclined to be by themselves, it is nothing serious, so don't worry too much. The planetary configuration means that this also gives you the opportunity to do some thinking, and to work through certain issues that may need your attention. Time spent alone helps you to work out what you need and want, and to reconnect with your deeper feelings. Your personal life is like a game of musical chairs today, dear Joni ! Controlled by the Hermit, who tends to isolate you from your nearest and dearest, you swing between wanting to be part of the joyous dance around you and wanting to run for the hills! You crave security and calm, but with your social circle under the influence of the Wheel of Fortune, the atmosphere could seem at odds with your deeper ambitions... At work, things are really starting to move under the positive effect of the Star and the Wheel of Fortune. Communication is definitely a keyword today. Make good use of your phone, organize a meeting or two in order to explain your strategy, go and visit potential clients if you want to close that deal. Chance is on your side, and your tremendous aptitude with people will open doors for you today that were previously closed. An altercation early this week could trigger an unexpected retreat. You may find yourself radiating an icy bitterness over someone's idiotic behavior. Stand back and take a few deep breaths. Do one job at a time. Things should be smoother by midweek. Use diplomacy. You don't have to win every battle to win the war. Friday begins a time that can bring joyful and satisfying encounters with loved ones. 'Live and let live' is good advice this weekend. A new cycle begins on this day, Joni, bringing fresh opportunities to your door. This can be wonderful news, especially if you have felt that things have just not gone the way you wanted them to. On this 1-Day, expect to feel a sense of renewal and rebirth, Eleven. An enthusiasm for life can take hold and bring a spring to your step and a smile to your face. Be receptive to all the possibilities this day will bring, as they are endless for you.

Such as it is

Well lets see im still single and still job hunting. I should know in the next few weeks if I got the job I applied for. It would be really awesome if I did. The relation world seems to be stuck in neutral. I still care about my ex way more than I probably should. I see him and I get those feelings all over again. Too bad he treats me like I don't exist that is unless he is drunk. Oh well I will be out of Cheyenne in about 43 days hopefully never to look back. What a fitting song I am listening to right now. Willie Nelson blue eyes crying in the rain. Depressing as reality is I must press on. I am going to a big party tomorrow with the hope of getting really drunk and forgetting everything. Thats enough shit for now have a good one yall.
Maybe im just to cold to have a relationship. I doubt that though. I have 4 good friends in Iraq right now. I miss them and don't know if I will ever get to see them again. The only thing keeping me sane right now is work and the fact that I have a new baby niece. Depression is fighting for that too. I am in serious need of a vacation away from this fucking town. It is storming right now which is nice. I find it calming and soothing. Well I have spouted enought shit for one night.

Tarot reading

Love: The Devil Touchstone: Temperance Career: The Sun There's a caring feeling to your relationships today, dear Joni . You're acting less impulsively, and looking for sincerity and warmth from those around you. Temperance is calming the Devil's fire, which will allow you to make up with someone close to you, assist a friend who's unhappy, and keep the peace at home. You're all sweetness and light! At work, the Sun and Temperance advise you to go slowly rather than to rush into things. Take your own time, go at your own rhythm. That way you’ll avoid major obstacles and can work in the full knowledge that your efforts will be crowned by success. The fact that you are not plagued by doubts is a very important ingredient, not just for yourself, but also for those who work with you. Rest assured that your efforts will be rewarded in the long term, so persevere.
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