Things that I am into
Marital Arts, I'm in Kung-Fu and have been studying for a little over a year now. My goal is to hopeful be able to compeat in the fail of 2008, or early next year.
I'm also into the visual Arts. I mostly do pencil and ink drawing but ever now and than I'll work with paint. Photography is also my other love and lately I've been running around with my cam taking picture of the world.
(Take a look at my art work. Comments always welcome!!)
Umm Umm Umm..
Music: I've heavy into industral, rock, metal, Alt,
As of rgith now my favirote bands are:
Nine Inch Nail, Mindless Self Indulgence, Lola Angst, She Wants Revenge, Dawn of Ashes, Ramstain, Bloodhound Gang, and much much more!!!
TV: Not much I tend to stick to the decovery channel. Myth Busters Rock my socks!
But i do like anime!!
Movies: Scary movies, or funny movies...I hate chick flicks.
I can't think of anymore things to put at this moment...will come back with more