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38 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th · I have a crush on someone!
38 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th · I have a crush on someone!

I could tell you I'm an interesting person, but you may have to find that one out on your own. I am a girl of many interests and thus few labels/stereotypes apply. I pride myself in being unique in many aspects. One thing I cannot live without is some form of music, as long as it is done well. I love a good movie as well, although I'd give any film a try.

I am still in school, paving my way in the world, slowly, but surely. I am referring to my indecisive nature, which may be caused by my many interests. But that is a problem that is dissolving with experience. I am slowly starting a home business as well: selling handcrafted jewelry online. I have a creative flair that I use at any moment where applicable.

I tend to be a bit conservative, not only in politics, but in lifestyle as well. I've always believed that moderation is always good. Also, I highly value the Christian lifestyle, which brings me to the fact that I will soon be a pastor's daughter. That is a forewarning to you! A good friend of mine said that my family is like a bunch of Christian hippies. Not entirely sure what that means, but I think that it's mainly because they are not bible thumping Christians, but more comfortable and neat people to be around. I've always believed that you can tell a lot about a person from the family that they grew up with, thus my elaboration.

Generally, I like a loose environment to hang out in, like a pub or park or festival or dance or something of the like. One reason I call myself an oxymoron is because I can be shy or talkative and outgoing, depending on who I'm with and how I react to someone else. In other words, I tend to complete an equation: are you talkative? I 'll shut up for a while. Quiet? I'll chat away until you say something. Again, adjustable.

More random things about me:

- I have a tendency to get lost in thought, especially when tired.
- I will play up to the blonde stereotype if you let me. Once in a while, though, I may surprise you with my random bits of knowledge.
- I have a very self-deprecating sense of humor. I have and will gladly use myself to make someone laugh or smile.
- I am very impressed when someone corrects me with grammar, spelling and anything related to language.
- I love characters! Anyone who makes life interesting is very welcome around me!
- You know you're funny when you can make me cry! I cry when I laugh hard enough to the right kind of humor.
- I generally like to let a guy lead me around a bit. Show me around! Paint the town red!
- I am generally submissive in personality. I notice that I tend to avoid confrontation when it isn't necessary. Starbucks my coffee wrong? It's all good! As long as it has caffeine in it.
- Many times, I can say one thing and mean another. Erm... did I mention I'm blonde?
- I take great joy in simple things in life. Stop and smell the roses, I say!
- I do like it when guys are straightforward when talking about relationships. There are times when being direct works like a charm!
- When out with friends, I tend to milk a drink for most of the night, unless I have a rare crazy night. I don't go heavy on alcohol. It just doesn't appeal to me like it does to others.
- I have a tendency towards Kool-aid moustaches. :{D

I like:
- hot cocoa and a cozy blanket on a cold winter's day
- the sound and feel of rain on a hot summer night
- a huge thunderstorm, since we're on weather
- a really good book
- a deep conversation with a friend (or, heck, a stranger!)
- shredded cheese straight out of the bag
- cheese, in general
- old movies
- bonfires, complete with hot dogs and smores on sticks!
- music with attitude

I dislike:
- ticks
- big egos

Anyway, I rattle on . . . I left a lot out of course, but that's why you should message me! I talk with anyone, but don't get ahead of yourself. Ask me about it, I'll tell you if I'm interested.

38 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th · I have a crush on someone!
I love all sorts of music. Since I've got such broad, eclectic interests in music, you should ask if you're curious!

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