You tell me that you love me, but do you?
Now I see that it was a pack of lies,
As you walk out the door,
I swallow my pride.
There is no turning back the hands of time,
We fight like two savage beasts.
Not willing to negotiate,
How could I be a fool to fall for you?
Thinking that you were the one for me,
I was keeping my hopes alive.
Stabbing a dagger into my heart,
Now I doubt that I will love again.
A spell of love came over me,
Maybe I will play hard to get.
Crying myself to sleep at night,
Thinking of you,
When I dream of my soul mate,
I dream of you,
Tears roll down my cheeks.
For it is you that I love
Come on baby lets make it work,
Nobody knows you as I do,
Deep down you know that you love me,
As I love you.
Let us make amends,
Let us be one again,
Like the circle of life,
Let us make love and not war,
With each other,
Tearing each other from limb to limb
We have the urge
To say what we do not mean.
I do not know what else to say,
To make things better,
I can just hope that
I love you,
Will make things better
By Nick Crow
Hannah Towson
April 17, 2006