41 Year Old
From Stover, MO·
Invited by: spiritgazer·
Joined on February 4, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 28th
Hey all!! Im a 24 year old male living in Stover, Missouri. I live alone in my own house and have done so since shortly after graduating from highschool. I have recently graduated from college with an AA in Business Administration. I really enjoy chatting with people, and if the opportunity presents itself and the person lives within a reasonable distance from me I don't mind meeting and hanging out with people either. Hmmmm just so your aware I am in a wheelchair. hopefully thats cool. If not then what can I say? You must be even more shallow than me and thats saying something! lol j/k. Some of my interests include reading which I try to do anytime I have a spare moment, chatting online, talking on the phone, driving around, target practicing, shooting pool, and playing video games. I consider myself to be a pretty open person and am fairly comfortable with any question a person might want to ask me so ask me anything you want:) If I am capable of answering it in any way I assure you I will do so to the best of my ability. No subject is out of bounds with me. Hmmm well thats all I can think to say right now hope to get to know all of you in the future.........Oh and should anyone feel like they might want to either email or even Instant Message me my yahoo IM and email is American_Merc@YAHOO.COM
41 Year Old
From Stover, MO·
Invited by: spiritgazer·
Joined on February 4, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 28th
I can get interested in nearly anything. It really just depends on the moment. I mentioned a few of them in the about me section. I'd like to meet people that are honest and nice that enjoy a good conversation and that don't mind speaking their mind and asking what they want to ask and not letting embarrassment or nervousness get in the way of asking. Ummmmm as far as music interests I like Rock, Country, Metal, Alternative, ect. Basically anything that has a good beat and that I can understand what the singer is saying lol.
I like a pretty wide variety of movies. I can be happy watching an old war movie like "To hell and Back" or a funny comedy like "SpaceBalls" . About the only kind of movies I can't stand are the ones that I consider crap like the "Blair Witch Project" movie or most of the stupid movies on the Lifetime channel. Don't get me wrong I can watch a chick flick and enjoy it too I just find most of the movies on lifetime to be entirely too in a word canned and they are always about the same crap. But anyways yeah I like a wide variety! lol As for TV I like all kinds of TV shows from the Dukes of Hazzard to Law and Order. My two current Fav shows are Psych and Monk. About the only shows I absolutely cannot stand are Survivor type shows or the Big Brother shows or the Road rules/Real World type of bullshit shows. Of course it is just my opinion but I think those shows are total crap because they are supposed to be about people acting like they do in real life and im sorry but NOBODY acts that way. Like I said just my opinion.
Hmmm Idols? Sadly in this day in age they are really hard to find. My Mom n Dad are my most immediate ones my mom because shes survived so much in her life. More than anyone else I know of in fact and she is still always trying to do for other people and keeps a good attitude n never gives up. My dad for leading such a full life till the end and managing to raise me and my brother as well as he did and between my mom and him instill the values they have in us making us be the kind of honorable, honest, and well mannered people we are today and for him raising my half brothers to be the leaders that they are now. outside my family I really have to look into the past to find any people I can admire as Idols. Some of the people in history that I admire and look up to as Idols are people such as Audie Murphy, General George S. Patton, General Eizenhower, President Harry S. Truman, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and many others. The reason these people are both Idols and at the same time an inspiration to me is because when push came to shove in their lives they did what they felt was right. They did not shrink back from the challenges they faced, and because of them this country and indeed this world is a far better place. To me theirs is a shining example of what it is to be not only an American but of what people can be at their best.
Where have you been!!!!!!! Classes end soon for me, which means I'll be going home, and no internet! I have to steal it from people.... my uncle... or my friend... or some wireless from like a neighbor LOL, so I wn't be on often.
heyy :).. just stoppin by to show some love by rating your homepage a 10..Id REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to rate my page a 10 too..If your not sure how just come to my page and the rate scale is right under my profile pic.If not its ok!..(feel free to add me too if you wanna)Take Care-Ash
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