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41 Year Old · Male · From San Francisco, CA · Invited by: ANUT · Joined on October 10, 2007 · Born on May 29th · 6 referrals joined!
41 Year Old · Male · From San Francisco, CA · Invited by: ANUT · Joined on October 10, 2007 · Born on May 29th · 6 referrals joined!



Februrary 18, 2007

for and in loving memory of Ron Michael Emerick and
Mako Kristokus


by Mike Noga/Gemini Ravyn

Whitewolf-Solstice aka Turtle

Friends of

old, lovers in the past
Was I a fool to think our love would


You came back into my life, only to

be taken away
As long as I live, I shall never forget that


I love you with all my heart, mind,

body & soul
I pray I have the power within me to keep my heart from

turning to coal

I feel lost without you,

aloof, cut adrift
Above everything else, it is your laughter I


I miss how you could always put a

smile on my face
Good day or bad, you always had a bit of humor for

me to taste

They tell me your gone, but

my heart cannot believe it's true
I don't know if I can start over,

maybe one day find love anew?

I don't

know what do now that you'll never be at my side
You have always

been there for me, you've always been my guide

It's up to me now, to cut my own path
It's up to me

now, to ensure my happiness shall last

I know that I will eventually move on
I know one day I will accept

that you are gone

Taking it one day at a

time, baby steps to start
As shattered as it feels, I know that

time will mend my heart

You're in a

better place now, my love, I know this is true
And I know that you

want me to move forward, maybe begin my life anew

I'm trying to do just that, using your memory to keep

me strong
A winding road lies ahead, hundreds of miles


I know that if I stay true to my

Path, eventually we will meet again
I look forward to the day when

the Gods reunite me with my friend

41 Year Old · Male · From San Francisco, CA · Invited by: ANUT · Joined on October 10, 2007 · Born on May 29th · 6 referrals joined!
Gay Boi in San Francisco looking to make new friends. Think you know me? Think you want to know me? Hit me up & find out.

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