Not just any Birthday but my 40th. Another Milestone. Until about 2 days ago I was not really looking forward to it. I mean, Damn where the Hell did 10 years go?!?!?!? I'm not Rich and Famous like I had Hoped; then again I sure no one is. I'm not gonna Retire early and move to some Tropical Island. Then it finally dawned on me, considering the Life Expectancey for Black Males in my Generation, which was 18-25 yrs. during the mid 80's early 90's, I'm Kicking Ass!
I have the Great Wife in the World, I have a Daughter I only feel like killing sometimes, I'm in Good Health and I've got some truly Awesome Friends. So what the Hell, why be Depressed about it. I earn these years, so I'm gonna PARTY!!!! And everyone is Invited to join in.
By now I sure you've seen the flood of announcements about my Stash being Updated, sorry about that but I found a couple of videos I had been looking for and then just went kinda Nuts!! So feel free to enjoy the videos and rate them; Hell even leave a comment or two. My Musical taste is all over the board so dont be surprised if you find something you like :) Anyway, that's the end of the rant, time to start planning the Party of my Lifetime. Toga anyone?