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CyberZombie's blog: "ah ah ah ah!!!!"

created on 11/19/2006  |  http://fubar.com/ah-ah-ah-ah/b26092

things have changed.

The last blog i posted i think was in 08 so yeah its been awhile.

Ive been out of a serious relationship since November due to my partner now trusting me with one of my best friend which is totaly understandable with how close we were. Ive been spending alot of time playing D&D now and also playing guitar and singing in a band. The friends i have nwo are the most important people in the world to me and make sure im still ok after a long drunk night.

Things are really good compered to what they used to be. ive raelised i dont need a partner in my life. yes i do miss the cuddles more than anything and that whole feeling really specal but my friends make me feel a different kinda specal now :)

<3 my boys and girls :)

well i feel used

me and my ex where together for a year and i found out he had cheated on me throughout the whole thing....bla to men!!!! im totaly off them.....untill i go out on saturday with bridey.....SPOON!


Dear exited readers of my blogs! The time has come!!!!!! DOWNLOAD O7 REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!! Well, first may I add…NEVER TAKE TO MUCH SHIZ TO DOWNLOAD….we got stuck on the way up because we over packed…to much food mainly lmfao! After Hayley coming to our rescue with a shopping trolly we eventualy got to the ticket gate…oh we did have a laugh there….we had to abandon the shopping trolly there…because it was stolen ¬_¬ how pathetic is that!!!!…so Daz, Rob and I headed off to meet Rebecca at Orange camp…Fuckin Nazi Camp more like!!!! The reason that Orange Camp got given this nickname was because the damn security guards where the only ones in the entire camping area to check for wrist bands…so like all ppl will do we rased our armes in the are…NAZI POWER lmfao! After eventualy setting up our tents and everyone sorting there stuff out we chilled for a bit before heading off for our first treck around the village!!! On the way we saw Tiny (who was a ickle bit out of it lmfao) but eventualy headed back. After coming back we started to do what all teenagers do…drink and toke….we really nice sat in that tent…BANANA SANDWICH!!! One bit of bread! Lmfao…omg I was so damn stoned!!!! It was around this time when Hayley had to take Rob to first aid…He thought it would have been a good idea to burn his mataras…NO! lol he got second drgrea burns on this two fingers! Later on we one again trecked but this time I decided that a toliet brak was necessary lol. By this point I had painted my face so ppl where just giving me a few funny looks. Thanks to those face paints I ment one of the most luvly people you could ever want to meet J Sandy and I got chatting and found out he was a lo and I a lette. So we trecked around for quite awhile then once again headed back to our camp. By this point in the story the worlds a lil fuzzy so im sorry bugs but I cant remember how I got chatting to ya lmfao!!!! I remember treckin with Sandy and Bugs to a cash machine…and…erm….being in a tent….with Rob…:S….but that's about it lmfao! After being bombarded with bread roles and a condom full of orange jucie in the night I eventualy woke up…hungover like a mother fucker!! (a quote!-"if they looked up hung over in the dictionary it would come up with a picture of you"-bugs) After eventualy being able to move I got ready to go meet Ana with Rob and then treck off to see Enter Shikari!!!….what can I say….they where fuckin amazing!!!! After pushing our way to the middle near the front for Korn, Rob decided he didn't want to stand there so headed to the side….Maybe me and Ana should have done the same….As Korn come on it was fuckin amazing!!! Its something I will never forget…untill things got out of hand…passed out twice and sprainted my ankle!!!…after eventualy working my way out of the tent got told by a friend that they where not going in cus the tent keept nearly collapsing!!!…after meeting up with rob and anna at the meeting point we headed to MCR (that's where my ankle really started to hurt). MCR where FUCKIN SHIT!!!!!….I tried to throw a bottle but just hit some skin head in the back of the head…SCARY!!! Had been txtin Bugs and eventualy had to tell him that we where heading to saint johns ambulance because I was in such agony. After buying more fags we eventualy got there….Got a really nice guy checkin me…I fuckin hate doctors….He couldn't deicide if it was broke or sprained and had to get a doctor to check it to see if I had broken it and needed an x ray….after coming to the conclusion that it was sprained we trecked back to the camp. Sandy and Bugs went to pick up some alcohol on the way back and me and Rob trecked back…they still managed to pass us!!!! Lol. We began to drink and because Steve had turned up in the day I went to camp with Sandy and Bugs. I wasn't as drunk this time hehe J . But once again went to sleep at about 4.30 because every time I went to go to sleep it was…Becci…SHHHH!!! Lol. Got woke up so luvly the next day haha "Bugs have you got a girl in your tent????" lmfao. After emerging trecked back to my original tent and went to sleep for a few hours. My hay fever was killing me. We trecked to watch Aiden who where amazing!!!! They really are worth seeing live!!! Saw Manson….*creams herself* God I love him!!! He is everything a real man should be :p Last that night sat out by the cinima tent with Bugs and Hippy Dave and watched Linkin Park play. They where ok…a good sing along J . I was gonna stay to watch hot fuz but I was to damn lazy to headed back to my camp site to see everyone else then eventualy went back to Bugz's tent for an early night sleep :D Woke up the next day quite late. Headed back to my original camp side and just trecked off. I really cant remember what I did on Sunday :S I know I deffo hurd some Killswich which where pretty good. I also remember painting mine and Bugs's faces lmfao that was quite fun again :D. Evanescence where pretty good…not brillient…but bla to that haha!! And the last band of the day had to be some of Real Big Fish!! They where amazing! Daz can dance so well lmfao! After buying a 24 crate of strongbow of tiny for £4 we trecked back to the camp site where I had been sleeping. That has to have been the best night ever!!! I didn't know anyone except Bugs and Sandy but I tell you what it was the most amazing night ever!!! I remember some parts lmfao. I remember going with Sandy to find a fag of some scary Goths which acutaly turend out to be not so scary…except the tall one….eep!!! It was great fun…I also remember some random guy with long hair that i stole a role up off in exchange for my eternal love and a fag lmfao!!! that was quite amusing....hehe....I know I flashed the security guards and the group…but god knows why lmfao!!! Woop!!! I have to say I've never had so much fun in my whole life and I know I've made some true friends this weekend :D x


Tomorrow im back up the hospital to have an op to get rid of this cyst i have in a bad place = [ it hurts but soon it wont with me luck homies!!! xx
Well it turned out to be a cyst...its agony...im on anti biotics for a week : ( cant get out of bed or anything so im stuck.... Im lay in bed watching resedent evil...its making me feel better ^_^ if anyone fancys cheering me up just add me and message me ^_^ MCL! x
Ive not been this happy for awhile. Boom boom stayed over all weekend even though he is ment to have been round his mates (i feel so guilty). Me and him act like best friends aswell as bf and gf its great! we lay on my floor in giggles last night. He was ment to get the 6.33pm bus home...we had to have sex didnt we -_-' He missed the bus and ended up staying the night...we sat up watching questoins on tv and answering them till i feel asleep then i got woek up by my mom telling me to tell him to get out of my bed...me being me...was to lazy to be nice :p So yeah i had one of the best weekends since the none sexual 3 sum buddys wehre together...man i miss those days... PEACE


Im bored...watching british TV...its very funny....but makes me wish i hadnt quite weed : (....Cant wait till tomorrow...boom booms over again....more sex on my living room floor...OH ADVERT FOR THE NEW MCR CD....hehehe....oh so many memorys...fuckin gay....so yeah im bored...add me to yahoo becki_Astleybrewer x

thanks guy....

Just like to say a BIG thanks to all my homies out there....if it wasnt for you guys today i probly wouldnt be sat here at home....You guys mean the world to me...LOVE YOU ALL LONG TIME!!!! So yeah its my first christmas without my dad...its so hard....i was ment to spend this christmas with him...so yeah it sucks..... I want my face paint!.....fuck it...im watching house of 1000 courpses...peace out... xxx

its finaly over....

Finishing off my alcohol tonight on my own...but thats it then...no more drink and no more weed till im with my baby...i love you tony


Over here in England, when the christmas coke advert comes on you know its getting close to christmas....to my shock (about 5 min ago) i found that this advert has changed...and its compleate and utter shit!!!!...the one best thing about christmas has been trashed....im gonna complane to coke....ok im officaly sad -_-'
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