After 3 days from the Phoenix burning it is reborn from the ashes. Now the question is can a Pheonix, indiginious to the firey hell of somewhere in the god forsaken part of Southern Cal be able to survive and begin its new life in the cool if not fucking cold as hell, environment of Canada? Well, I've been here a month and I love where I am. I love the fact I just changed after what seems like hundreds of years. I am happy, content, but most of all, broke. That should change soon, but I have love which seems to be all I really need for a change. Money seemed to be everything before, locking me into the worst years of my life, that and looking for affection in the wrong place. But someone helped me to see that love does really matter. The Grinder is my fiance and is the sweetest man I have ever had the luck of meeting. And if you believe it I actually met him here. My affections immediately focused upon his friendship and kindness, but most of all his concern for my happiness and general well being. He is honest, sincere, a bit strange and most of all in love with me(and is mine all mine). So the next time someone shouts at you about liking intellectual conversations, shout back, might be a keeper.