40 Year Old
Invited by: sillylynds·
Joined on May 14, 2007
Born on November 9th
Um..wow..thanks to you guys who left me a comment before i even touched my mouse!!This rocks..anyway I'm in the UK so if any of you peeps wanna chat add me my msn is j o s w a n g o n y a @ h o t m a i l . c o m without the spaces of course!!come say hi n we can chat about anything (apart from dreams,they're kinda pointless)but yeah..come say hi!!!!!
40 Year Old
Invited by: sillylynds·
Joined on May 14, 2007
Born on November 9th
Rock all rock that sounds good metal gothencore metalcore punk post punk post hardcore pop punk metalpunk afrocore whatever if it's god blazing guitars, crazy shit drums and a soulstealing sound then i'll listen to it!woooh!!!