48 Year Old
Joined on October 13, 2009
Born on January 1st
48 Year Old
Joined on October 13, 2009
Born on January 1st
I'm a 44 year old punk rock musician who can't get a band together, so I go play at any open mike that allows punk rock. (I'll be 45 in two months)
I am a one man punk rock maniac who's happiest when up onstage playing guitar and singing. My aloofness is often mistaken for being stuck up or anti social, but the truth is I'm really a very shy person, and a little insecure.
I like women who are bold and brave enough to make the first move. (But don't come on TOO strong, or I'll think you've got an agenda)
My likes are; Going to concerts,(Mostly punk and heavy metal, but I like ALL kinds of music) Spicy foods, friendly kitty cats, Discovering new bands/musicians, no matter what kind of music they play, and getting onstage and annoying people with my music because nobody likes punk rock.
My dislikes: Dishonesty, game players, stuck up people, discriminatory attitudes and behavior, elitists, holier than thou types, know it alls with a superiority complex, People with too much self importance who think they are better than the rest of us, being interrupted in the middle of a sentence, cheating lovers, women who think just because they slept with me think they can own me and control me, jealous lovers, (I'm a musician. you'd better be secure enough with yourself to share me with the rest of the world. My music comes first), Authority figures who abuse their power and status.
MY hobbies include: Playing music, going to concerts, collecting records, tapes, C.D.s video cassettes, DVDs, books, magazines, reading watching TV surfing the web, blogging, sending e-mails to my friends on line, partying,(Obviously, or else I wouldn't be in this bar) and porn.(It's a guy thing)
I wouldn't mind getting into a relationship with the right woman, but I'm so focused on my music that maybe it's just better right now, if I convert some new fans, groupies, and have a few F.W.P./N.S.A.
Big breasted red-heads who wear glasses are a REAL turn on for me, but I like ALL pretty women.
Before anyone gets the wrong idea about me, I am NOT on the prowl. I'm just here to make new friends, promote myself as a musician, and have some fun. Whatever else comes my way is merely either just dumb luck or fringe benefit.
I'm really a nice guy once you get to know me.
48 Year Old
Joined on October 13, 2009
Born on January 1st