I recently had a dream of you walking Gidget. Guess that's a sign that you are both at peace. Missing you so much. Rest in peace my friend. You will always be in my thoughts. God rest your soul.
I hope your family and loved ones are finding peace. I stillthink of you daily and hope you have heard my prayers. This is going to be a rough time for everyone with you being gone, pleasehelp them find the strength to carry on. R.I.P. my friend. Youare surely missed.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I saw youonly a few days before the accident and that is how I willalways remember you. You will forever be in my heart. Eddie,it's so hard dealing with the fact that you are gone. Pleaseknow that you will never be forgotten. So many people lovedyou and will always remember what a wonderful person you were.At least I know you'll always be with us .... protecting us fromthe Heavens above. God bless you my friend. Rest in peace. I willsee you again one day . . .