57 Year Old
Joined on February 17, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 24th
I have been in healthcare since late high school. I have done just about everything, except being a PA or MD. I am a float RN, certified labor doula, monitrice, certified newborn massage instructor, certified Happiest Baby instructor, childbirth educator, and lactation consultant. Nursing is my main job, and everything else I do freelance or volunteer. I have been a ferret owner for many years including running a ferret association. I have been into computers since 1985, including building my own. I have had an interest in ham radio since then, and in April '08 decided to finally test and get my license. For a few years now I also do nurse consulting online. Besides this I also do some work for Microsoft. I was almost done with ground school in Maine, but due to what was going on had to put it on the back burner. Hope to someday finish it and get my private pilot's license, and someday license to fly jets. Check out my friend Don's radio show every Wed from 3 pm to 5 pm central time at http://www.partyfmradio.net At other hours you can listen at http://www.sc.jji-radio.com:8100/listen.pls
57 Year Old
Joined on February 17, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 24th
Check out my friend Don's radio show every Wed from 3 pm to 5 pm central time at http://www.partyfmradio.net At other hours you can listen at http://www.sc.jji-radio.com:8100/listen.pls
Hey AAEMH! how are you? come play with me and my friends. get 100% shit faced and make new friends doing it