Don't tell me "Forever"
Forever makes me cry
Don't ask me to explain
Or give you the reasons why
Don't tell me you won't walk away
Unless I ask you to
Don't tell me I couldn't make you go
Cuz I know that's not true
Don't say I'm all you have
The one you have waited to find
Don't speak to me of destiny
Or how I am one of a kind
Maybe those words should make me smile
And feel so much alive
But I find these days, they still hurt
And only make me cry
You don't have to make me promises
Or make an oath and swear
It simple has to be enough
Just to know that you are there
I don't look for forever anymore
Not sure if it's even real
I can't speak some things in return now
I'm afraid to let myself feel
Words like "Forever"
How can they be true?
When one who swore "forever"
Ended up walking away from you?
It's not that I mistrust you
It's nothing you have did
My trust has just been wounded
And my heart, I hid
You don't have to speak of the future
The "who", "when", "where" and why?
Just don't use the word "Forever"
"Forever" makes me cry
Tina White