Hmmm ok so where does my little tale continue.
Lets fast forward for a minute past the rest of 16 and 17 because well I got knocked up again and nothing fucks up a good time more than being pregnant. So there I am at 18 still married now with 2 kids and after a short venture of living in Denver I'm once again back in that little shit hole town with more churches than bars. If anyone has lived in a tiny little town like I'm describing you will know that while there are not a lot of bars and clubs...well frankly wtf are clubs...people love to get drunk. Why the hell not. Nothing better to do to pass the time so everyone from the school teachers to the preachers of all those damn churches that are on every corner drink like fish. Blame it on the cold winters, liquor keeps you warm! So of course nevermind the underage thing cause if push comes to shove you can convice the drunk school teacher to buy for you so yeah I learned how to really drink around this time in my life. I don't mean learned how to sip or do a shot or two and fall down drunk I mean I learned how to sit down and tip triple shots of tequilla back like they are water. Line 'em up boys I can eat the worm can you?
So there I am in that tiny little shit hole town drunk off my ass but still on my feet and what better thing to do than of course get naked! This was in a time before the internet hit the small towns really and while everybody at the party is a great audience for a short while what better way to spice shit up then flash all the traffic that goes by on a friday night! Its not a big town but damn did it sure seem like a whole hell of a lot of traffic found its way down that road. Can you say quick way to earn a reputation? The only thing people in small towns like to do better than drink is gossip and of course everyone knows everyone else! Yeah needless to say people learned the best place to party. The more they came around encouraging me the more I did crazy stuff to get attention. Deep throat hot dogs...oh yeah watch this shit! What let them two chicks lick drinks off my nipples...bring it on! Of course we're going to kiss and hey who ran off with my top dammit?? I was just warming up though hell I hadn't even hit 21 yet.