ine...Virgiana Tech, they seemed so distant and...unreal. Welcome to this sick world we live in. Sure...there's a rulebook...but they don't apply if you have a gun it seems.
westroads mall.
omaha, nebraska. december 5, 2007. 
A 19 year-old male named Robert A. Hawkins shot 14 people in the store of Von Maur. Killing nine people, and injuring 5, two critical. He was said to run around the mall shooting at random and after going back into Von Maur, shot himself.
People came running out of some doors, knowing what had happened. Most of them were shaken.

In stores people were put on lockdown having no idea what was happening. Police arrived with in six minutes of the first call. Later, people in stores were led out to safety.

The people who died were just ordinary people, who went shopping at mall, having no idea that their life would end. This is a horrible thing that has happened and please repost this to show how much you care.
(repost of
original by '
Russell the Love Muscle' on '2007-12-06 16:55:47')