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indianheart's blog: "A solider"

created on 10/29/2007  |  http://fubar.com/a-solider/b147742
Take a man or woman and put him alone, Put him twelve thousand miles from home. Empty his heart of all but blood, Make him live in sand, in mud. This is the life I have to live, This the soul to God I give. You have your parties and drink your beer, While young men are dying over here. Plant your signs on the White House lawn;"Lets get out of Iraq" Use your signs and have your fun, Then refuse to use a gun. There's nothing else for you to do, Then I'm supposed to die for you? There is one thing that you should know; And that's where I think you should go! I'm already here and it's too late. I've traded all my love for all this hate. I'll hate you till the day I die. You made me hear my buddy cry. I saw his leg and his blood shed, Then I heard them say, "This one's dead". It was a large price for him to pay, To let you live another day. He had the guts to fight and die, To keep the freedom you live by. By his dying, your life he buys, But who cares if a Soldier dies! If you care repost it and let ppl know you care and add your name to the list CPL Bryan Mulkey Cpl MankinL Cpl GarciaL Cpl Newman, Jessica Lee LCpl Montes Cpl Kennick SPC Pierce SGT Headley SPC Mott SGT Duke SPC McKinney, Douglas A1C Williams, Crystal SNOS JOSHUA, FERRARI PFC Lewis, Marcus SGT Wright, Carter PV2 Gray,Brandon SrA Villarreal SrA Viles, Kristina SSgt Evans, Martin SrA Evans, Meghan SrA McCoy, Scott A... SrA DiBenedetto, Austin P. Proud Navy Wife - Robblee Posting in honor of my boyfriend, Pvt. Sykora Proud Army Wife-- SPC McCoshGisela Lanning *Proud Army Wife* ~~~ Sgt. LanningChristy Weintraub *Proud Army Wife* ~~~~Spc. Weintraub Sgt. Chavira A1C Villa aka LTKA1C "Boots"S.T.B Army Wife- PFC Stanton SPC Beerbower, James CDT Short, Carrie CDT Nonella PFC Swick SPC Morris Sgt Rios Sgt Chillis SPC Segura SSG RUIZ, IVAN SPC REYNOLDS AND PULLEN PV2 ChamberlandPFC Noyes SPC Pike - 2/87th INF SPC Castillo, Daniel - 2/1 Infantry 172nd (SBCT). SGT NAPIER, RICK 2/1 INFANYTRY 172ND SBCT SPC Strickland, Blake 2/1/ INF. PFC Coffey, Jacob. 2/1 INF Mosul Iraq SPC. Daniel, Thomas C. 2-1 INF Mosul, Iraq PVT Cherie Shannon PV2 Lexi Kendall PFC Teresa Moore PFC Walson 66th MP CO.PV2 STREET 64TH MP CO. PFC AGOSTO 988th MP CO. REO/IRAQ PFC ARENAS, K. 502d MI BN PFC Kopakowski, MJenn Redman SGT Brian Brindley SPC Brian Kofsky Mandi McCullough SGT. Brian Smith..3-103rd AR,(infantry detachment)..Camp Corrigador,Ramadi..IRAQ Courtney~Proud Army Wife Of Spc AllenKelly ~ Proud Army Wife of Sgt WagnerJamie- Proud wife of SGT.TurkalyMaxie ~PROUD ARMY WIFE~ of >>>>> SPC. KERLEY Ang~Proud Army Wife of SPC. Henry SPC Justin Henry OIF 1 OIF 2 SPC Charles Baggett OIF 2 CPL Andrew Hale USMC OIF1 OIF2 PFC PRATT....OIF3 SGT Carpec OIF 1 and OIF 3 Baghdad SPC Richardson, Hollis OIF 3 Iraq SPC Goff, Douglas J OIF1 and OIF 3 Iraq SGT Lake, James H.- U.S. Army- OIF 1 Vet. SPC Lewis, Jeffrey - Camp Liberty Baghdad Jessi ~ Proud wife of Sgt. Craig Meinhardt, USMC, sister of Sgt. Eric Meinhardt, USA, and cousin of Cpl. Chris Joyce, USMC Jamie- Girlfriend of Sgt Christopher Taffoya, US Army; Sister of TSgt Ronald Robinette, US Air Force; Daughter of Capt. Debra Freimarck, US Air Force Retired; Daughter of First Sgt Hans Freimarck, US Army Retired; Friend of Many serving our Country in the US Army, Air Force and Marines! I CARE!Brandi~~very pround army wife of Sgt. Mewhirter angela wisely-*proud wife of a soldier Renee York> Proud Wife of Spc. Andrew York U.S. ARMY SPC Andrew York - going back for 15 months this time. PFC thomas thompson h co 3/2 scr 15 month deployment SPC Christopher Davis HHC "RECON" 3/2 scr PFC Matthew Fraser H Co "MGS" 3/2 scr PFC Julio Saldana "H Co MTRS" 3/2 SCR SPC Luke Albert H CO 3/2 scr SPC Mike Register H. Co 3/2 SCR A1C Greg Hawthorne A1C Jason Ignacio- 40 AS A1C Kelsey Gainer- McChord AFB 8 AS A1C Christina Espinosa-McChord AFB 62d MSG AMN Tasha Holmes- Barksdale AFB A1C Kenny Gibson - Maxwell AFB, Gunter Annex, Montgomery, Alabama Amn Miller Bryan K- 52d ces, spangdahlem AB, Germany A1C Joshua Johnson, F.E. Warren AFB, WY A1C Christina Grant, F.E. Warren AFB, WY A1C Brian Gonzales, 30AS Steven Murawski (hopeful military life) Cadet Josef Horn of the Citadel SPC Michael Fowler HHC 2/503 SPC Erika Nunez- 173d SGT Alan Buckalew - 173rd ABN CPL Drew Sheptock- 630 MP CO SGT Joey Agner- 351 MP CO SPC Cassy Batton- 351 MP CO PV2 Natalie Martin- 351 MP CO PV2 Hayley Jackson- 319 MCD PFC Detra Horton- HHD 345 CSB Ardmore, Oklahoma. BRITTANY HORTON- MY PARENTS AND SISTER ARE IN THE MILITARY...THANKS MOM AND DAD AND PFC DETRA HORTON! PFC Moran Kevin- 2/2 SCR April H ~proud military friend~ SPC Dobbs, Airon... Jan 9, 1985.......... B Co. 1/179 Infantry batallion 45th infantry brigade... BUCA ROBERTS, ANDREW June 30, 1987 ..... NMCB 22 Formerly SPC. Babinski 1-41 infantry Rachel Norman--Proud American Randall-Lynn Duvall-Proud American Wife Jamie Schaffer Proud Army wife Of Pvt. Scahffer 2nd Infantry division Crysal Tomlinson-Pround Army Wife of PFC Tomlinson 1-87 infantry Amber Recinos; - Proud army wife to PFC Recinos Jessica Sanders- Proud Army Fiance to SPC Guinn 3rd ID PFC Kasey Stroupe 5-82 FA 4/1 cav PFC Ronnie Alfred B5-82 FA 4/1 cav PFC Samantha Limones HHC 4/1 CAV PFC Swenk, Neil E. HHC BDE 4/1 CAV (Infantry) - HOOAH!!!! PFC Disbrow, Matthew A. Co. 2-12 CAV (Infantry) - R.I.P SPC Spencer, Raymond 06/21/07 Janet Balderrama Balum Sinclair Diana Stone~Proud Military Brat!!! Dad Retired Navy Step father Retired Army Titania Dwale - Pagans of Myspace - My husband was in the Air Force during Desert Storm (and YES, I PROUDLY SUPPORT THE MILITARY) SSG Miller--US Army Mrs. Miller--HIS ^ PROUD WIFE! SFC Brian Letterle-US ARMY 3rd ID Christie Letterle-Proud wife to SFC Letterle!!!!! JODY HAMMONS-PROUD WIFE OF SOLDIER OVER SEAS NOW Spc Clason, Robert- 82nd " All American " Airborne; All the Way Tamara Clason----Robert's mom----HOOAH! Patty - Proud Navy Mom to ET3 Bach - Don't Tread on Me; Proud Army Mom to PFC Bach "Scouts Out"! Brenda- PROUD NAVY MOM to ABE2 (AW ) DANIEL FISHER Amanda- PROUD WIFE Chrissy Rettig-PROUD WIFE of active duty deployed soldier 25th INF Charity Winkler - Proud Wife of a soldier KIA (Nov 12, 2006) Samantha Gage~~SSG Joseph Gage widow(KIA Nov 2, 2006) PFC brett terry 2/506th inf 101st airborne division Tiffany W Kacey Knight~~PROUD ARMY GIRLFRIEND SPC Timothy Brown - 57th MPCO Baghdad, Iraq Iona C ~ Proud American SPC Jeremy Reed~321st EN ramadi, iraq (wolfpack) Sue- Proud supporter of our AMAZING Men and Women serving to preserve our Freedom and Liberty. Researcher, www.theyhavenames.com please visit our site and pay your respects to the fallen. May we never forget their sacrifices. SPC DAVID MONDOK- IRAQ (FOR MY FRIENDS) SSG Brannon Hebert 4/25 ABCT Alaska SPC John Lessard- 1-40th CAV SDN (ABN), RIP SGT's Springer, and Wakeman... no better medics were ever found and no better freinds taken away. I miss you guys. SPC James Froelich A-co 4-25 BSTB AIRBORNE SPC Brandon Johnson Aco 425 BSTB, RIP SSG Weaver, CPL Davis, SGT Ardron CPL Swartz Aco 425 BSTB AIRBORNE Eileen McCormick-Proud American sarah-proud girlfriend kyle- Proud American & Brother Cherrie- A Very Proud Army Mom! What these Soldiers are doing is for us to have our Freedom and enjoy our lives! We should all pray for them to be safe and come home to us soon! I care if a Soldier dies! I dont think we need anymore War and for All our soldiers to come home safe!!!! Bonnie Hyde -- Proud Army Mom of PFC Courtney Hyde - Ft Gordon, GA I CARE IF A SOLDIER DIES, If dying is asking them they'll bear that cross with HONOR, because freedom don't come free!!! ~~ Hooah ~~ PFC Courtney Hyde Joann Mitchell Proud Army Mom Of, "PV2 ANTHONY G. MITCHELL" TRISH WISCHMANN PROUD ARMY MOM OF ... SPC CHARLES J WISCHMANN PFC COX, DAIN 82nd Airborne Division, Combat Outpost War Eagle, Baghdad, Iraq sherry borders No better signal soldiers' were found and more friends gained SSG Michael Culotta-Taji/Mushada SPC Kevin Mahon-Mushada CPL Curtis Pitman- Taji/Mushada, spc ill kung-fu chop you baker-taji,mushada SPC CHASE, BRANDON 1/11 ACR. PEACE AND LOVE SPC ALARCON WHO NEVER MADE IT BACK. WE LEFT YOURE BLOOD IN THE SAND BUT YOU WILL ALWAYS BE HOME. SGT Keltner, Josh currently with 66 FSC, deployed with 1/11 ACR SPC HAGSTROM, SERVED IN IRAQ WITH 1/11 ACR. NOW IN CUBA. AWAY FROM MY FAMILY ONCE AGAIN. SGT Keltner, Christina-Proud Army Wife to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SGT Keltner, Joshua who is currently with 66 FSC and who also has already been deployed once VICKI MCDONALD....VERY PROUD AND SCARED AUNT OF JORDAN KOST DEPLOYED 2 DAYS AGO Dawn- God Bless our soldiers!!Bring them home safe and soon!! Ricky Helms Sr~ Proud To Be An AMERICAN RUBY BUSSELL~ Proud to be an AMERICAN. pray for safe return . ¢¾Harper Hatton-Glod Bless our Soliders! **Ashley Bryant** Proud fiance to a DEPLOYED MARINE (8th COMM, Camp Lejeune!) OOH-RAH! ANGELA -Proud wifey of a deployed SOLDIER in Afghanistan (4-73 CAV Fort Bragg NC) HOOAH! Jamie Hoover - Proud WIFE of a deployed soldier in Iraq!!!! ¢¾ Sgt. Nadine Stanton- Lamb - retited Air National Guards and Proud mother of my son, Earl who's in the 82nd Airborne Lila Sager - Proud Mother-in-law of Earl (82nd Airborne) CWO3 Eric T. (IA X2)
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