Through thick and thin a soldier fights
Not to go down without a fight,
Lead a battle with all his might, He
may find his own demise, piercing screams
all around, soldier stands with all his might,
32 hours strong and not a rest in site.
Death around so far and wide,
Chose to fight for the right, and
Lead a nation with all his might,
Mortar shells hit all around,
Bring to face a new reality, for
His own has surely pass,
He stands alone to face his own domain.
Bringing to terms
That he’s all alone, to fight
for what he did not own.
10 men deep in front of him a
Soldier fight with all his night
Not to go down without a fight.
Crippling blow from far away the soldier
Is slipping away.
Taken his dying breath all he says was May
They see the price that’s paid.