I said a prayer for you today..........I asked the lord to walk with you, to hold your hand tight. I asked him to be patient with you and warm up that cold bruised heart. I asked him to send you someone to love, and someone to love you. Someone who would love you unconditionally and accept you for who you are. Someone to hold you when you cry, to stand beside you when times are low and give you a reason to pick yourself up. And when life is in doubt, to give you the desire to aspire your dreams. I asked him to give you the strength to understand you have to work and fight to keep love alive. It takes forgiveness and understanding, we all know no one but him is perfect, we have to love like there is no tomorrow. I asked him to send you someone who will follow you to the end of the world and who will love you and cherrish you to your last breath here on earth.......
I said a prayer for me today............I asked the lord to grant me serinity. I asked him to allow you to forgive me for all the pain I caused you. I forgive you! I asked him to help me understand how love can be so painful, yet so beautiful. I asked him to hold me close because this pain seems like it will never end. I asked him to take away my sadness and lonliness and give me the strength to move on. I asked him to help heal my heart because this duck tape just isn't doing a good enough job.
But most of all I thanked him for bringing you into my life, for allowing me to feel you, to hold you, to touch your skin, to smell you, to breathe your air. To feel your touch, to hear you laugh, to see you smile, to look into your eyes and hear you say I love you. I thanked him for the good times and for the bad. I thanked him for all the hardships he threw our way (wow there was alot) and for our strength and love to work together as a team, best friends and lovers to struggle through it all. What ever happened , I just do not know, I asked him to help me with that too. Well i simply thanked him for you! You will always be my soul mate.......and I will always love you...........................
This is my blog