That Feeling
The feel of your hands running over my breasts
you kissing on my neck with those soft lips
the way my heart was skipping as you pulled me closer
the sensation I felt as you inserted your finger into my soft moist spot
The moaning and squirming you were doing as I went down on you
the gentleness of your nibbles on my oh so sensitve nipples
the shivers up my spine as you ran your hand over my body from head to toe
the passion in your kiss as you held my hands down
the tenderness I felt as you held me close
the feeling of finally becoming one
you in me, me in you
my wish has now come true
the wish to give you all of me and what I have to offer
the feeling that you are loved and that I as well am loved
the feeling of you inside of me
letting our passion fly
the biting of my lip as you thrust yourself deep inside
the screams out of my mouth as I slowly let the juice flow
the smile on my face as you go down and lick them up
the throbbing of wanting you more and more
digging my nails in
letting you know that I am very satisified
the feeling of finally becoming one.