As I sit here,
Watching the world turn,
Not knowing what to do;
People tell me one thing,
I see differently,
Why do people take me as a fool?
"Actions speak louder then words",
As my momma always used to say;
Sometimes I used to listen,
But now, I listen to my heart, always.....
Even to this day.
Hearts do break,
But they mend over time;
Is falling in love,
Such a crime?
People are born,
They laugh, grow, smile and play;
I have seen a lot,
Now I see things plain as day.
Why do the ones we love die?
I do not know sweetie,
I look at it that they grow wings
And fly.
They are never dead;
We will always keep them
In our hearts and in our thoughts in our head.
But we will see them agian,
Merry meet,
Marry part, my friend.
I wrote this poem back on April 7th, 2006. I do hope you all who read this, like it. Rate it if you can, leave a comment on it if you can and want to. Let me know what you think about it. Yes, I do love writing poetry and reading them and I also write stories. ^_^