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40 of the most Spontaneous Questions Ever, BE HONEST 1. Where were you 1 hour ago? Doing Dishes & Cleaning The Livingroom.. 2. Who will be your next kiss? Serenity Or Oscar.. 3. What are you most excited about right now? That Serenity is almost 6 months old.. 4. Are you wearing socks right now? Nope, I like being barefoot when I'm home.. 5. When was the last time you went out of the state? I was out of state about 5 months ago.. 6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Ya the movies right in my livingroom, lol.. 7. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.. 8. How do you describe what you are wearing right now? Black & Red Silk Pjs.. 9. What was your last purchase? A new outfit for Serenity.. 10. Last food you ate? French Fries, yummy.. 11. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mom's wife Tammy.. 12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Not for me no, but for my baby yes.. 13. Do you have a pet? Yes.. 14. What's the last sporting event you watched? I don't watch sports, it's just not for me.. 15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Show Low, AZ to support my mom & Tammy with a recent issue.. 16. What is the last thing you purchased online? Sunday Night Slow Jams CD.. 17. When was the last time you laughed? A little while ago because Serenity was being all hyper jumping around in her walker & hitting her toys.. 18. What's one thing you really want right now? To be pregnant with a boy! 19. Do you miss anyone? Ya.. 20. Last play you saw? Don't remember the name, it was too long ago in Job Corps.. 21. What are your plans for the day? Relaxing & Cleaning & Then Cooking A Beef Stew for dinner.. 22. Who did you hang out with last night? My husband while he BBQed.. 23. Ever go to a camp? Not "a camp" but I have been camping... 24. Were you an honor roll student in school? Heck No, I didn't care for school.. 25. What do you know about the future? I'm having another baby.. 26. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Ya.. Addias Sport for women.. 27. Where are your best friends located? Tucson & Eloy.. 28. Do you have a tan? Yes.. 29. How old do you want to be when you have kids? Well if I had my way I would have started at 15, but I had to wait until recently at 28 & I'll be having another one at 29... 32. Last person who made you laugh? My daughter.. 31. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Yes, 4 pairs of piercings & 3 tatts.. 32. Listening to? The TV.. 34. What happened in your dreams last night? Umm, I'm pregnant so my dreamland is a little crazy.. Not last night but a couple nights ago I had a dream that my mom was smoking crack, my aunt sue wanted to shoot me, and a black & white cat with wings pissed on my carpet.. Don't ask me, I haven't got a clue where the hell these dreams came from, lol.. 35. Where is your mom? In Show Low, Arizona.. 36. What is your mood? Tired.. 37. Are you someone’s best friend? Probley.. 38. Wish you could live like the movie Click? That would be awsome.. Although I wouldn't make the same mistakes as the dude in the movie.. 39. Do you love anyone? Yes.. 40. What is one thing you hate? Back Stabbers..


I thought I would take some time and write down some thoughts.. Well when I first got pregnant with my daughter it was hard on me because me & my husband were going through some hard times in our relationship & I wasn't sure if I wanted to be pregnant with his child because I wasn't sure if I wanted to be with him.. I left him and went to Maine when I was 3 months along, started a new relationship with an ex of mine there & I was getting ready to file for a divorce.. Then my husband decides to follow me to Maine & well he wanted to prove to me he could be a better husband and a good father.. So I let him do his proving & he done it.. In about a month and a half, he got two jobs, a car, and an apartment.. So when I was about 8 months pregnant I went back to him, to give him a chance to be a good husband and father to the baby that was on the way.. We had our daughter Serenity on December 16th, 2006 & decided to go back to Arizona when she was 6 weeks old.. Now we have our own place again, have everything in the house that we need, I have my van & he has his catty.. And where we are still getting back to us I didn't want to get pregnant again right away, to be sure this is what I want before expanding our family.. But I still ended up getting prego and just found out last week.. I am happy about the new arrival on it's way, and hoping for a boy.. I just hope everything between us stays good and doesn't go back to the same old bullshit.. But I can see that my husband is a good man & trying really hard to shuffle work, our relationship, and helping with our daughter.. He wanted kids & it took us 5 1/2 years to get pregnant with our daughter, so I think a lot of his problem is he wanted children & he wasn't sure if I could give him any & now that he knows I can he feels more comfortable in our relationship.. Which is kind of shallow on his part, but I do understand because I wanted children just as much as he did.. I just hope everything stays going smooth, and our house stays happy and full of joy.. There has been a lot of changes since the baby was born & there will be more changes after this new one comes, but it will be what we've both dreamed for..

~Just A Survey~

1. Name someone who made you smile today? My Daughter.. 2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Changing and feeding my baby.. 3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Just playing around on CherryTap.. 4. What was something that happened to you in 1994? I moved up to Show Low, Arizona for about 6 months.. 6. Four words to explain why you last threw up? Pregnancy hormones really suck!! 7. What color is your hairbrush? Black & Silver.. 8. What was the last thing you bought? A Propel.. 9. What was the last gift you received? My neighbors gave me a card, because they are new around here & needed some help while they got on thier feet, so they gave me a card to say thank you & that I'm good ppl.. 10. What color is your front door? White.. 11. Where do you keep your money? In my planner or bra.. 12. What was the weather like today? Cloudy/sunny & windy.. 13. Where did your last hug take place? In my bed.. 14. What are you excited about? Finding out in about 3 months if I'm carrying a boy or girl.. Hoping for a boy! 15. What shoe size are you? 8 1/2 16. Is your family big? Somewhat.. 18. Are you very random? No.. 19. Do you want to cut your hair? Hell no, took me this long for it to grow as long as it is, lol.. 20. Do you believe Jesus is the only way? I believe there is a God, but is his name Jesus, I don't know.. 21. Do you talk a lot? Depends on the conversation and the person I'm talking too.. 22. Do you watch The O.C.? Nope.. 23. Does your screen name have an "x" in it? Nope.. 24. Do you know anyone named Michelle? Not any more.. 25. Do you make up your own words? Sometimes.. 26. Are you ticklish? Depends what mood I'm in.. 27. Are you typically a jealous person? Not unless there is a reason I should be.. 29. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "M": Michael.. 30. Who's the last person to call you? My Mom.. 32. Do you chew on your straws? Not unless I'm nervous..lol 33. Do you have curly hair? Yes, naturally curly.. 34. What is the next concert you're going to? I'm hoping to go to Sunday Night Slow Jams next Feb. 35. Who is the worst person in your life right now? Nobody really.. 36. How many times have you sworn today? A couple of times.. 37. What is something you say a lot? Turn The TV Down Please!! (my husband loves to have the tv blasting constantly).. 39. Have you seen the movie 'Donnie Darko'? Nope.. 42. Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? My Husband.. 43. What should you be doing right now? Probley laying down and resting.. 44. Do you have a nickname? Yes.. 45. Are you a heavy sleeper? Depends how tired I am.. 47. What is the best movie you've seen in the past two weeks? "She The Man & Ghost Rider".. 48. Is there anyone you like right now? Yes.. 49. When was the last time you did the dishes, honestly? This Morning.. 50. Did you cry today? Nope.. 51. Who's the first person you'd call if you won the lottery? My Mom.. 52. Walmart, Kmart, or Target? Wal-Mart baby! 53. Do you have any big summer plans for 2007? Just taking my daughter swimming for the first time, and relaxing because I'll be prego..

*Yep, It's Happened Again!*

Well my husband told me on the 9th of April that I was pregnant again, and I told him he was crazy.. Why? Because it took us 5 1/2 years to get pregnant with Serenity our 4 month old daughter, so getting pregnant again so soon was furthest from my mind.. Well on the 13th my montly was 2 days late, so I went and got a home preg. test, and guess what? Positive!! I went yesterday, the 16th to have it confirmed in a doctor's office & well I'm prego again!! Oh and the best news (being sarcastic) is that this new baby is due on Dec. 16th, 2007 which is the same day my now 4 month old will be turning 1 year old, the same day!!! Crazy crazy is all I have to say.. But it's a blessing eaither way, my husband wants a boy, so hopefully he'll get his wish this time around.. Plus the kids can grow up together and be close to each other being that they will be so close in age..

What Finger Are You?

You Are a Ring Finger
You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything.
You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word.
Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world.

You get along well with: The Pinky

Stay away from: The Index Finger

How Rockabilly are You?

How Rockabilly are You?
Your Result: Twilight Zone

You're just not fifties at all. Your shoes are wrong, your hair is wrong, and what's that you're drivin? This is a Rockabilly quiz not a rocker quiz.

Psycho-Bitch out of Hell
How Rockabilly are You?
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