In the beginning I was steady and unwavering.
Feet planted firmly in a world of grotesque realities,
I tried not to feel, having felt too much in the past,
having been wounded and damaged,
and left alone to forage through a life
that had been stripped of any significant meaning.
Slowly I began to make my way down dimly lit paths.
I could see lights on the horizon
that never seemed to get any closer.
No matter which road I followed;
no matter how swift my steps,
they remained but a distant beacon of hope.
A hope that always fell just beyond my reach.
Along these same paths, there were moments...
when shadows faded and the sun kissed my face;
but the clouds never failed to roll back in
and draw their gloomy veil over happier times.
One day, quite unexpectedly, a glistening ray began to cascade down.
I was motionless, attempting strength and teatering on the uneasy.
The light drew nearer, slowly, peacefully, and without malice.
Frieghtend, yet hopeful, I did not falter.
The shorter the distance between myself and the light,
the less chill I felt in my bones.
The light lay to rest just at arms reach.
At first, too scared to extend my hand, still shivering, I stood
teary and as wide eyed as an infant learning something new.
The warmth soon overtook me
and I embraced it wholeheartedly.
Since that moment, my smiles have rarely ceased
and the warmth has yet to wain.
I no longer feel the pain.