the other night someone said something kind of spitefull that drove a nail thru me,and made me realize that maybe i put a little to much faith in people,let me say this, i've met some awsome people here, theres no doubt, but never assume that you know me the real me, i can be as hardass as you've ever seen, and can put up walls faster than anyone will ever be able to tear them down, i only let people be part of my life if we are good for each other, I'm to old for drama,b.s, drunks,prison bitches, or crap, i know we all have luggage, and i have a strong back but i wont carry a hundred suitcases unless there mine and I'm leaving, you get from me what you give,and if you think you can fly off the handle and say stupid hurtfull shit, you think that your problems are any greater than anyone else on this site your wrong,and if you think you can disrespect me ? NOONE gets that PRIVELEDGE, not now or ever ! treat me as you wanna be treated disrespect me and BE GONE, I've earned my bones
if your in our area,and would like to know more about this dinner, dance, poker run, and more, drop me a line for details
join us on myspace, middlefingerbandneo
it's classic rock, it' parties and jams and we want you to be part of it all
if any of you get a note about me from someone you dont know it's probably my stalker who swears i still belong to her and she had driven a few pretty good friends away from me, i find it sad and phsycho that someone could create a fake profile to try to ward everyone awy from me just because they think that if they chase everyone awy that i would even think for a split second that they were the only choice i had left, for the love of god give up and grow up, for the frustration you have caused, and a few freinds i have lost because of your demented actions, let me just say if you were the last woman on earth and i was horny i would jack off !! and the friends you thought you chased away from me, still talk to me on my messenger , so it's your loss you have gained nothing but showing other people on this site how much you truly need the help of a shrink!
from now on i'm asking that noone leave me comments that if you wanna make my day rate my pics or buy me a drink, also to my stalker creating a fake account and sending me messages trying to win me back did nothing more than piss me off, i dont belong to you or anybody other than god and my mom, i'm 6 foot 1 and 265 and if anyone really knew me they would know it was music years ago that took me away from the life that would have killed me, you cant win someone over by clinging to them or there memory, or by trying to tell them that they belong to you, sorry but life just doesnt work that way, what you thinks works for you just makes others see you as creepy,it doesnt matter who i talk,flirt or go out with,as long as it isnt you, to my real friends and flirts just rate my pics or leave a drink, and understand that this is only directed at the person who thinks they can win someone with mind games, for the record you cants win the game unless you have all the peices