As I lace up my boots at the edge of my bed. I stare across my room at a empty chair. I think when I get to work will she be there. Will she talk or does she really care.
I pass by some other soldiers along the way. They all ask how was yer day? I smile and tell them I'm living a dream. When deep down inside I'm comming apart at the seams.
As I walk through the door I look at the floor. No mail there it's all gone. So I continue to move, just walk on.
I get to the office and start to settle in. I grab a computer and log in.
I look at the screen with a blank empty stare. Hope for something from home, will it be there.
When I scan through the lines they all say forward like the last hundred times.
They all set down and forward there shit. I guess they never had time to just to type a bit.
As I get out of that I sit and I stare. Log on to Cherry to see who all is there.
A few friends come by and left me some mail. I get a small grin cause some is funny as hell.
As I go through the rest trying to keep a grin I look to the left to see if she is loged in.
Her cherry is lit. Should I try to talk or give it a bit.
The anticipation is unbearable as I waite here and sit. Will they talk first or should i just quit.
I know she is at work and busy as hell. I pray she has a minute to give me a yell.
I go to her page to tell her hello. Before I get there my eyes start a glow. She beat me to it and laughter began to flow.
As we talk for a bit. I think back to my earlier comment... I guess she does give a shit
We are both at work and things go on. Sometimes hard to focus as our minds wander on.
Wish I could stay, but its the end of my shift. If yahoo is working that will give me a lift.
I lay awake in my bed and listen to choppers fly over head.
Some times I wander are they injured or dead. I will never know. I just think in my head.
Thats the one thing that scares me the most. Afraid I'll never get the chance to hold her so close.
The one thing I know I would miss. Would be the taste of that first sweet kiss.
Next morning I get up and continue to drive on. It is the thought of her that helps me carry on.
Dont think that it is all sad. Every word is true. Its just my life from a soldiers point of veiw.