43 Year Old
Invited by: 926938·
Joined on June 15, 2007
Born on January 7th
1 person has a crush on me!
A real quick intro to myself...I'm 29yrs young, a mother to 3 gorgeous boys! Love and live for my 4 boys!! My family is my first priority!! Beyond that I'm a coo ass chick or atleast I like to think so..everyone has their own opinion about me. Love me or hate me, either way you'll have me in mind. I &heart&; music, dancing, clubbin, shootin pool, drinkin, UFC, chocolate, cars, trucks, street bikes, quads, the list goes on and on. I don't like liers, fake ass people, and two faced bitches. Oh and don't play games with me cause u can't play games with bitches who know how to play them better!!! So sTicK a DicK in uR eaR and FucK wHaT u HearD!!!
*Don't take offense if I don't accept your request. It's most likely because I think u should be talking to peeps ur own age or I'm just not feelin' you!
43 Year Old
Invited by: 926938·
Joined on June 15, 2007
Born on January 7th
1 person has a crush on me!
I think you can tell by my playlist what I listen to most!! But I listen to everything depending on my mood!