SER LADY AUCTION !! The Highest Bidder will get their Pick of one of the 4 Ladies up for Auction. The remaining 3"slaves" will be single auctioned afterwards.This Said winner will Own their Special SER Lady for 1 week.The Auction will start on Sunday @ 8pm est till 9pm. The Single Auction will start Immediately afterwards from 9-11pm. Auctioneer will be DJ Kak Tease aka Sexy Britt*half the proceeds will go to supporting the Snake Eyes Lounge, and the other half to the"slave".SO MEN & LADIES get your Fubux ReadyBidding will start at $500 dollars
Thank You~Sexy Britt aka DJ Kak TeasePromoter @ Snake Eyes Radio~SnakeEyes Radio @ fubar
heyy just stoppin by to show some love by rating your profile a 10 ( id give u an 11 but im all out for the day)..Id REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to rate my page a 10. If not its ok! :) feel free to add me too if you'd like :)Take Care-Ash
@ fubar