67 Year Old
From Maine·
Joined on March 14, 2014
Relationship status: Married
Born on November 12th
I have a crush on someone!
happily married for 30 yrs this june just come on here to have fun and meet some people I'm a big flirt but harmless not interested in ratings or bling or any of this stuff I try to like and friend and buy drinks for all I can (don't know why ) just do it cause everyone seems to want it lol I have no idea what reaching the next lvl does for me so far I see no extra money in my pocket but I do see that if I buy stuff which takes money out of my pocket I can bling people ( what the hell does this do lol ) besides meeting people having fun joking around I don't know what the rest of this site is for.
67 Year Old
From Maine·
Joined on March 14, 2014
Relationship status: Married
Born on November 12th
I have a crush on someone!
I like to hunt , fish , shoot pool , line dance , goof off on the computer , love to play texas holdem and travel around
Latest Status
Moe ok is everyone going tfor the poke achievement tonight or what lol and do multiple pokes count or they have to be from diffeerent people ?
Magickal Graphics