36 Year Old
Joined on July 7, 2007
Born on October 19th
What my name is shouldn't matter to you.Just Bitchy or Brutally Honest? Up to you.I can be your best friend or your worst enemy.You can love me or hate me, it's totally up to you.I love being myself and having fun.I DO care about people and their feelings.I do comment back if you comment me.I love getting picture comments.I'm hardly ever confident in my looks.If I take a picture that I like, You'll know it. It'll be here.I wanna run with the reckless emotion Find out if love is the size of an ocean even if I crash down and burn out. at least I'm gonna know what it's like to feel ALIVE!¢¾ I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations. and You are not here to live up to mine. You are you. and I am I. and if by chance we find eachother.. it's BEAUTIFUL.¢¾ I live for the night's I won't remember... With the friends I'll never forget I am nowhere near perfect. I eat when I am bored, I fall for boys easily I'm vunerable to believing lies, I'm hoping that one day I won't need a fake smile I make up excuses for everything I have best friends and enemies. I have Drama and Memories. I love the color blue&love dancing in my underwear..¢¾ I'm a mess & my room usually is too. I laugh at the stupidest things & always say the wrong things at the wrong time! I cry for no reason & sometimes. I get mad easily but I'm just me and that's all I can be.¢¾ [And that's my life] Live It, Love It.. Learn from it ♥p.s..¢¾ waste time with your friends. Live for the moment laugh often. be immature. do anything and everything if it's something you'll regret in the morning.. sleep late and when you wake up... laugh about it with your friends. cause your friends are what matter most apologize when you should, let go of what you can't hold on to ..take chances.. ..give everything.. and have no regrets. live is too short to be anything but happy¢¾ "{¢¾`beautiful-music-comes-easily`} -- [what I wouldn't do just to forget..So I can remember how to live..¢¾]" Don't Label Me.Übrigens bin ich, also, wenn Sie mit mir auf Deutsch sprechen möchten, daß bin fein mit mir deutsch. Er bildet mich glücklich.The above is in German. Don't understand it? FIND A FUCKING TRANSLATOR.
36 Year Old
Joined on July 7, 2007
Born on October 19th
Basics of Cherry tap to get you startedShoutbox : this is like a onsite instant messenger to use left click on a persons name and it will bring up a small drop down box where you can type in a shout or reply-in this drop down box you can click on thier name to go to thier profile.Gaining points: you can leave a comment on a persons profile and rate thier profile and picture(s)at level one you can become someones FAN and they recieve points if they become a fan of yours you get points:. the rest will come with time and using the site hope this helps and have fun on cherry tap!!