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49 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 1, 2014 · Born on July 19th

MySpace Tracker

This is a Fan Page for Celestino Lee,I am still building it.Here on this page will be everything Celestino. Including all his videos,apps,music and even ways to have a free cd sent to you from himself. Soon you will be able to know alot bout Celestino Lee,if you would like to. Also,you can click on the pict right below this paragraph to hit his Fubar Band Profile...

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A have a lot of songs here and most of them are sexual...so if ur not a sexy person then dont listen....lol

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If you would like my "Fubar Luv" video on ur page....click on the link above called "Interest" you will then see the video and the codes are under the video....copy the desired code from my "Interest" section and paste it into ur "about me" section.....The first code does not (will not) allow the video to automatically play,but the second code in the lower box does (will) auto play the video as soon as some one hits ur page...


Born in Omaha,Nebraska...but currently living in Anchorage,Alaska doin my music thang in my free time from working at my truck driving job ive been at for the past 18 years...My Birth name is Celestino Lee...I make my own beats,own lyrics and polish and master my own cd's....all in my lil bedroom....I make the music you can sit back and cruz to...or music that you can lay back with that will get you in that sexy time mood...(speaking to the ladies by the way)...LOL...I allready have my real job,so I make music for the love of music and not for the money...so making music is juz sumpn i enjoy doing in my spare time....but it would b nice to really hear sum 1 say to me..."hey Celestino,u make really good music,keep it up"...and id say "thank u".....lol...


The video right below is for any woman out there,who feels they get disrespected because of their weight....The video below is for any woman who struggles to lose weight and gets depressed about it cause they have tried everythang and still has not lost the weight ....The video below is for any woman who has that low self esteem and knows she has to bring it higher,but chooses not to....If you are this woman,reading this right now,there shouldnt b nethang holding you back from getting stronger,from holding your head high and from you demanding respect from anyone...being around negativity constantly,will always make you think and see thangs in a negative way...so this video i have made for you....and just remember...

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You should look in the mirror and try to smile at what you see,cause im sure you'll be suprised,cause i know it will be a reflection of a beauty....Much Luv to my "BBW" Big Beautiful Women.........Celestino Lee

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Also,if you are viewing this video by way of cell phone...it may not play correctly,but then again,it may play just fine..if you are using a regular computer or laptop,it should always play...Thank You..

If you would like this video on your Fubar page,copy and paste the code from the lil box at the very bottom of this page....


The free Celestino Lee Mobile App is now available for free download on the Apple and Android app stores worldwide! Music, videos, photos, tweets, and much more as you get the latest Celestino Lee updates sent directly to your mobile device.....Just Click On The Picture In This Box Below...


People make their songs in diffrent ways....we all have are ways of making music...well juz incase your wondering how I make mine....I first hum a beat w/my mouth,then i transfer that by making the beat thru the keyboard and then I add my lyrics....and after im happy w the words,i then mix the lyrics (vocals) with the beat,after that,i listen for the places where my vocals are too loud or too low...once I'm happy w/everythang,I then make my song into an .mp3 format.....and then I deliver my song to the world via internet or cd......


The music that i make,is strictly from the heart...wether it be sexual or a song talking bout juz chilln...or even a song to my son.....i feel the music that i make is sumpn that most folks can relate to.....

Well i really hope you enjoy my laid back music....im sure i have made a song for every occasion,so if you havnt heard any of my songs....if you get bored one night,mayb you should take a listen,you never know,u might find your new favorite song...lol...Thanx for Your Support...

49 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 1, 2014 · Born on July 19th

You need music on your page? Do you like my music? well the code below will give you my personal music player,(like the one right above),on your personal Fubar page....this perticualr music player,plays a diffrent song of mine everytime someone comes to visit your Fubar profile...but if you would like a player that starts by playing the first song everytime,please let me know,and ill send you the code to that 1 as well....Thanx for the support...I love my Fubar fans...


If you would like the video of mine called "Reflection of a Beauty"....The code to the video....Is right below..copy the code ,then paste it on your fubar page or ne-other website...

If you would like my "Fubar Luv" video on ur page....copy the code right below the video and then paste it into ur "about me" section...Thanx.....The first code does not (will not) allow the video to automatically play,but the bottom code in the lower box does (will) auto play the video as soon as some one hits ur page...

Video Games
Do you like my music sooo much,that you would love to help promote me?...lol...or you want others to here my flow,well the code to my Fubar page is right below...by copying and then pasting that html code to your Fubar page..it will give you a picture of me on your page and when they click on my picture,it will then direct them to my Fubar music Page....if you do decide to do that for me,I really appreciate that and i am Thanking you in advance...



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