35 Year Old
Joined on July 6, 2007
Born on February 7th
1 person has a crush on me!
Theories of Mine: -Marriage is bullshit
-There is no such thing as love at first sight. That is absolutely and completely IMPOSSIBLE.
-There's no such thing as fate. You fuck up your life all on your own.. AINT THAT GRAND!
-Karma is very real.
-Guys and girls will NEVER truly understand eachother. I dont give a mother fuck how much you "feel" your boyfriend "gets" you. HE DOESNT AND HE DOESNT WANT TO EITHER.
- Its EVIL to have a baby ON PURPOSE. To WILLINGLY bring some innocent child into this world KNOWING FOR SURE it will suffer terribly, thats just.wow..I have no words for it.No one wants this shit. I sure as fuck don't.
-A sister is NOT a friend for life or none of that other quote bullshit you dumb ass girls pass all over the internet to brainwash and re-assure yourselves of not being so fucking dumb and incompetent in your unproductive pathetic lives.
Some Things I live by:
- I put up a wall not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to break it down.
- If you can't handle my worst, you don't deserve my best.
- It's not the things we don't know that get us in trouble, It's the things we know that aren't so.
- Don't make someone a priority who's not even willing to make you an option. ¢¾¢¾[fav]
- You don't need people who don't need you.
Some phrases you've heard of before, but they couldn't be more true.
35 Year Old
Joined on July 6, 2007
Born on February 7th
1 person has a crush on me!
:D hay it was nice to hear back from you. I hope you are doing well too. I only have a few days left and i come back to the states on leave. Oh god it will be so nice to breath fresh air. Drink a cold beer, lol. So i'm doing well. But hay, please stop by and keep in touch. I would like that. :D
Hay, its been a while since i was last able to stop by. I hope things are doing well for you. I also hope my inabiltiy to write you sooner did not worry you. I am fine, i have just been very busy. I have been running a lot of missions at night so i have been sleeping during the day. Well, i just had a few minutes before i had to go eat and go back to sleep, lol. Just wanted to say hi.