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41 Year Old · Female · From El Paso, TX · Invited by: none · Joined on July 1, 2007 · Born on January 23rd
41 Year Old · Female · From El Paso, TX · Invited by: none · Joined on July 1, 2007 · Born on January 23rd

I am bold and outgoing, I can be who I want to be, I want to be happy and live life to the fullest, I have faith in something, I still can throw a temper tantrum, I'm in love with god and the angels that surround me, I hate closed and narrow minded people, I wish i didn't have to work, I look like my father and my mother, I don't want things handed to me, I like puppies and baseball, I am giving to those who give to me, I need some time to get away, ******************************** Life is a beautiful mess, Love is god's greatest gift, My mother is my best friend, My grandfather is my hero---R.I.P PAPA, My sister is beautiful and smart, My goals are to be a good daughter, sister, friend, and someday a good wife and mother, My dreams are endless, My faith is what keeps me alive, My favorite childhood memory is going to the ice cream parlor with my papa, When I was a kid I loved to help people to feel better and still do, As an adult I am proud of who I've become, In the morning I get on my knees and ask god to keep me going with all the struggles I need to overcome in my life, In the evening I pray and thank god for keeping me a strong-willed person yet another day, I ALWAYS have my eyebrows waxed, I never like hurting people's feelings but it happens, In my purse you will find: no money, my cell and lipgloss, In the next ten years I will live happy and strong, In the next five years I will be SUCCESSFUL, In the next five months I will be doing something right, If I were a crayon I would be purple, If I were a word I would be crazy!! I am fire, If tomorrow never comes, then everyone will know how much I love them, The unknown is just that and that's exciting The world needs peace!!! ****************************************** It's hard to explain who I am or tell you things about me when I'm still learning myself. ***************************************** I'm a sweetheart, I'm smart, thoughtful, Funny, caring, sweet, Loving, and I'm crazy! ******************************************* I'm grateful for all the pain and the crazy ex-boyfriend and all the crazy tragic things that have happened to me...cause I wouldn't be who I am today.... ********************************************* I have been hurt more times than I can count. I've been hurt but I have hurt others too. I certainly am not perfect and if I was I think I would be boring. *********************************************** I drink & party when I am with my best friends! I used to believe in a fairy tale kinda romance but now I don't. Not because I've been scorned but because I know that I don't live in a fantasy world. There is no prince charming and I'm definately no princess! What I do know is that I have standards and when I'm ready to open up to someone and share my life with them, that they will be someone worth while. ***************************************************** I like to laugh. Like the kind of laugh where your eyes tear up and your stomatch hurts. ****************************************************** I've been through a lot & like to think of my hardships as life lessons. I've learned that pain is not pointless. It's all made me who I am today. ********************************************************* I like myself and I think you'll like me too. & if you don't then please leave my page and don't bother me!!!k.thanks! *********************************************************** I am striving to be my own person and I now am starting to have an IF U DON'T LIKE ME THEN F*CK YOU ATTITUDE and if you do like me then LOVE YOU!!! I don't want to worry about trying to impress anyone. If you don't like me, like I said before, then be out my life. I can only control my life and how I react to others. ******************************************************** God gives me new lessons to learn everyday.. I love my girlfriends....I'm so lucky to have such good friends!! BETH,MEGHAN,NIKKI,KERRI,ASHLYN,KAYLA,TERRI,SUZIE,and JENNIFER. I love you all so much!

41 Year Old · Female · From El Paso, TX · Invited by: none · Joined on July 1, 2007 · Born on January 23rd
LOOK ME UP ON MY SPACE---http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=147131881

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