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48 Year Old · Male · From Warsaw, MO · Joined on January 27, 2014 · Born on October 28th
48 Year Old · Male · From Warsaw, MO · Joined on January 27, 2014 · Born on October 28th

Ok Im sharing something about myself.....Shit.....I don't know, I guess Im me that's all I can be, as for sharing myself, well....Ask Ill probably give you an answer, Im a guy I chill here sometimes new in town, got no friends yet, sick of starring at the freagon wall, want me? come get me. Lifes an adventure, and I like to kick it, please join me and Ill see ya in there. Peace out people.

48 Year Old · Male · From Warsaw, MO · Joined on January 27, 2014 · Born on October 28th
My interests is, pretty much whatever catches my eye. At least for that moment. I have A.D.D. oh well right? All that means is my mind is rolling at a constant speed of 500 mph, when the rest of the world is rolling at 60. Basically in a nutshell that means that most have about 3 seconds to hook my attention or its gone. I don't mean to use that in a negative or arrogant context just simply saying, I love having fun, and you can learn new shit everyday, and fuck there is more then one way to skin a cat, and I figure I still got a lot to try learn, and experience, guess long story short, everything you do can me interesting. Shit sorry I just wrote a freagon book, my bad.
Music.....music is the root of the world......I like everything, all music is inspiring, most musicians will say that. I should know, yes I am one. I play drums, so classify it how you want....ya ive heard all the jokes...what do ya call a drummer with no girlfriend?? Homeless...har har....what do you call I guy who runs around with musicians? A drummer......Anyway, just throwing that out there.....I do love all music.....and I do play drums, and guitar, and sometimes I sing.
fuck man I don't know, put something on, ill check that shit out

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  • ctieken of all of the things I have lost I miss my mind the most -Ozzy
    11 years ago · Comment

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