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83 Year Old · Male · From Keeler, CA · Joined on January 26, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 6th
83 Year Old · Male · From Keeler, CA · Joined on January 26, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 6th

Read all science, history, economics, philosophy ( Socrates; and Bertrand Russell are some of, my favorites), literature. Research interests on the internet. You can know a lot about me from pictures and captions. Am humane with all the emotions and feelings intact and, as for my body, I'm a regular fellow. Was married for 40 years and had mutually uplifting life experiences with all the woman in my past. A sharing and egalitarian partner. Not willful, although I try to be true to my understanding. My needs are few and wants are not demanding. Day to day life is pleasurably mundane and only ongoing project is camping out (tent) and go prospecting in open desert lands in CAL.,NV, AZ., as soon as I fix my truck. Maybe done by march.
I'm 72 years old and am not on any medications. Father lived to 86 and died quickly of stroke. Mother died at 94. I do take supplements and feel in fine health. Have some false teeth. Exercise regularly. Spartan in my living but clean. Do own cooking (love being a partner ) and cleaning. I have a 1989 Toyota Wagon. I've done my own car mechanics since I was 14 and the Toyota is in excellent condition. I also have a Toyota Truck, I'm working on. I keep my hands clean. Clean police record and only 1 ticket in ~ 40 years of driving. Retired but have many pots to stir. Most of all I am a fine conversationalist and friendly and extremely well read. Have the internet . NO TV. Non racist. Non religious. Might have 3-4 beers a year; wine 10-15 glasses a year. Educated. Science curriculum Cal State Poly (chem. eng.) , electronic Tech.,
I'll be adding more personal history, little by little, as time allows.
Live in the small town of Keeler, Ca for 15 years (see pics). It has had a stable pop. ~ 50, for the last ~70 yrs. there is a lifetime of open land here, for hiking and exploring. At one time, it was a major mining area, with a pop. ~ 10 - 20,000. The Sierra Nevada Mts., rising 14,000 ft. are just 13 mi. west. An abundance of blue sky land and water.
Was in the United States Coast Guard 1960 - 64 active, 1964 - 68 reserve. USCG electronics school 30 weeks. USCG Cutter McCulloch - 26 months at sea, N. Atlantic, Greenland to the Caribbean.
College on the G.I. Bill for 3 yrs. Science,math, and humanities. Cal. Poly Pomona
Sometime near 1968, set up a large candle making and metal casting foundry in Emeryville, next to Berkeley, Ca. Made and sold a variety of candle forms and cast 40# crucibles of aluminium and bronze and did projects for students and mostly one off jobs.
Loved the culture in the S.F. Bay area and lived in Berkeley ~ 10 years and it is a large part of my heritage.
Casual dresser (don't own suit or tie, but can spiff up), and like my older clothes. Have lived like a king and always below the poverty level. Live quite well on a small social security income, and am ~ 5 or more years solvent into the future. I'm not wealthy and never was and don't judge people, whatever their cicumstances, and get along with people from any class and have friends at all levels of the social spectrum.
I will be leaving for Az, in about a week, and will be away for a month or so.I can relocate and will keep my place in Keeler, in any case. I'm hoping to share these last chapters of life with a woman that is well informed because she has developed an unlimited curiosity and has been a lifelong learner (serious reader). A conversation via phone,so we could relate our interests and get to know each other, would be welcome.

83 Year Old · Male · From Keeler, CA · Joined on January 26, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 6th
Interested in world affairs and all of it's manifestations, exploring mine site and remote areas, camping, hiking, socializing, reading, No TV, internet.....
Extremely eclectic in my music tastes -A -Z
like many kinds of movies, don't see a lot maybe 1/mo. on average
Socrates, Bertrand Russell, Ghandi, MLK, Cyrus The Great, ...
Video Games
Don't play video games.

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