40 Year Old
From Maquoketa, IA·
Joined on June 28, 2007
Born on July 21st
I have a crush on someone!
well lets see i am 23 years old single and yes i am a lesbian. i love the pussy. i am a stripper as well as a privet dancer. i love to party and show off my body. drinking is the best and i love to smoke weed and sometimes snort a line. i do smoke ciggerets. but other than that i am a real sweet heart
40 Year Old
From Maquoketa, IA·
Joined on June 28, 2007
Born on July 21st
I have a crush on someone!
sex women sexy toys parting
i love all typs of music as long as i can get off on it
ThiS Is a ToAsT.... 2 Us... FoR ThE MeN wHo HaVe Us, ThE LoSeRs WhO HaD Us, AnD tHe LuCkY BaSTaRdS WhO WiLL MeeT Us!! SeNd ThiS OnLY To pReTTy LaDiEs iNcLuDiNg ThE OnE WhO SeNt iT To YoU... YoU HaVe BeeN HiT!! YoU HaVe bEeN CoNsiDeReD OnE oF tHe 15 pReTTieSt GiRLs oN mY fRieNdS LiSt. OnCe YoU HaVe BeEN HiT, YoU HaVe tO HiT 15 pReTtY GiRLs. iF YoU GeT HiT aGaiN YoU KnOw YoUr ReaLLy pReTtY. iF YoU bReAk tHe ChAiN YoU'LL HaVe UgLyNeSs FoR 10 YeArS. sO HiT uP 15 pReTtY GiRLs!!""""""" MUCH SISSY LOVE XOXOXOXO
Its nice to see you trying to pull off my pic as your self and yet you have other pictures that dont even look like ME (even thats who you say you are) and you are trying to pull them off as you also