"LiVe N LeT LiVe"
"Those Who Live In Glass Houses Should NOT Throw Stones At OTHERS"
"The Way To A Man's HEART is Through His STOMACH".....So True!!!
"No UsE cRYing OveR SPiLt mILk"
"EmPtY VeSSeLs mAkE ThE MoSt NoIcE"
"TReAT EvERyoNe WiTh PoLiTeNEss,EvEn ThoSE WhO R RuDe tO U,NoT BCoZ ThEy R NoT NIcE Bt BCoZ U R NIcE"
"Smaller the person,Bigger the anger"
"Speech is Silver.SILENCE is GOLDEN"
"A still toungue make a Wise Head"
$ Sum facts of lyf.. $
->Attitude is mah game..gambling is mah game..I vl take a risk if i have to and nobody vl stop me.. Dunt friggin judge me damn u vl hate my attitude wen I slam..
->I am slow to trust; but quick to luv..I wish to hard and i give to much.. I am nt saying i am perfect..but I promise I am worth it..
->Heaven kicked me out and hell is afraid i vl take over..
->Everyone vl nt get everything.. This is the way 0f lyf..Dunt try to get whch is nt urs.. But dont dare to lose whxh is urzzZzz..
->I have a attitude in mah blood..its genetic symbol in me.. Be bindass n njoy every second of lyf Bcoz lyfs one golden chance only.. Dun do luv bcoz luv is biggest bed think in lyf give us pain only whole be happy in every condition..
# Sum rules of Mah lyf #
->I want to luv but mah heart iz lyk stone..
->I want to success but mah work iz mah money..
->I want to live mah own lyf but mah lyf iz Zero if I luv sumone..
->I want to help ppl who realy need mah help but I dun N0 d word of feelings..
->I want to mis$ sumone who r very cloze to me but I dunt strugle wid past..
->I wana b $uccessful man in mah lyf but I cnt brk relation..
->I am a 0wner of dat reason Wat I l0st in mah lyf bcoz I never listen..
->If u luv me den dun 'ASK' bout mah past Nd dun 'SAY' bout mah present Nd dun 'THINK' bout mah future..
->Simply ''WHO CARES''
->In short d meanin 0f $à mèér 'DO 0R DIE' bcoz I strongly feel {Mah Way 0r High Wà Y}..