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40 Year Old · Male · From Atlanta, GA · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Born on May 8th
40 Year Old · Male · From Atlanta, GA · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Born on May 8th

Well, to start off my name is Matthew Nicolas Denzel Horton and I'm an Animation major at the Art Institute of Atlanta. I'm 23 years andMy hobbies include working out, roleplaying, videogames, and whatever garners my interest.^_^ I'm usually about business and all and do my best to avoid mixing it with pleasure, however, when I have fun I really cut loose.^_^
My taste in women span quite a bit, though, as I'm a sucker for a woman who can nurture me, dominate me, but not emasculate me, y'know? I like to think of relationships and all that as a two-way street where both people have a role to serve.

I also try to stay very humble inregards to what I such as my art or anything else I enjoy, however, as for my body as much as I love it I don't really care who ees what of me. If I could go about my daily routine such as school, work, etc. in the buff around folks and not be bothered I most certaintly would!^_^ Try becoming my friend and viewing my private photos and you'll see what I mean!

40 Year Old · Male · From Atlanta, GA · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Born on May 8th
Drawing, Roleplaying, Nudism, Modeling, Gaming, etc.
Video Games
Games are a myriad of interest but at the core my number one fav. is Street Fighter. Ever since I first played it back in 1987 I've been in love!!! Ryu is my main man! White karate ki and headbands rules!!! I still practice and all when I'm not busy drawing and all that and am really hyped about Capcom's remake of Super Street Fighter II Turbo, yes!

Anyway, I also love Castlevania and have been a longtime fan of it as well! Love the Belmonts! Most kick -ass gang of vampire hunters! I'm actually playing Portrait of Ruin on my DS as I type this as well!

I play most fightingames really...In addition to Street Fighter there's Tekken((Kazuya's the best! Also is Raven!)) The King of Fighters series along with Fatal Fury and Samurai Showdown!
SO yeah...I'm a geek...BUt a sexay geek!^_^

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