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62 Year Old · Male · From Ocean Park, WA · Joined on January 5, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 17th
62 Year Old · Male · From Ocean Park, WA · Joined on January 5, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 17th

I'm interested in hooking up, having some fun. If something else happens after that, then so be it. I'm not impressed with cyber drinks. What's in your heart, childish games or the real deal? I haven't dated in over 7 years, too busy with college and traveling; a four year walk-about to find myself. I know who I am now and I'm ready for a new life, but still lost, ready to start fresh. I'm a very kind, nice, up front, call it as I see it, no bull, if you don't like it, there's the door, down to earth, no he said she said drama cuddle bug. I don't do drama TV. Movies are OK. Sports are a waste of time; I just don't see the point of chasing balls around in a field made of pig skin. Women and children always come first. I have no ties where I am, free to go where the wind takes me.

62 Year Old · Male · From Ocean Park, WA · Joined on January 5, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 17th
I'm interested in meeting a woman for friends with benefits. If it goes beyond that, it was meant to be.
3 Doors Down, Bruno Mars, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Ray Vaughn, no RAP of any kind NO NO, that crap rack my nerves.
Video Games
I play MMO's. #1 game is Rift Game and is my little world. I am Leader of a guild . I have many characters in the game, but mainly play as Adearil on Wolfsbane. I dabble with LOTRO, main character name is also Adearil, Kinship Leader of on Chrickhollow. Nothing but good times, friends and it helps keep me busy on my off time. I would gladly give all that up for the right woman.

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  • LittlePoke I'm not here to play the childish drink games. I need someone to hold, touch, feel. A real heart. Are you out there? Keep it real. I need love.
    11 years ago · Comment

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