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45 Year Old · Male · From Hazelwood, MO · Joined on June 26, 2007 · Born on June 27th · I have a crush on someone!
45 Year Old · Male · From Hazelwood, MO · Joined on June 26, 2007 · Born on June 27th · I have a crush on someone!

Well..... damn.... about me? huh? Well Im not a superstar, Im not famous, Im not a pimp or a player, Im not ungenuine, and most important....... Im real!!!! I cant stand the politics of humanity, it burnt me out. If your a real person that seems like you wanna talk to another real person cool..... If your just lookin to up your friends....well piss off!!!! Im here for people not products of a consumer gimme gimme country ( you know who you are, you damned plastic people.... get off my lawn,your killing my grass) Well thats all you really need to know. If you got any Q's , I got A's

45 Year Old · Male · From Hazelwood, MO · Joined on June 26, 2007 · Born on June 27th · I have a crush on someone!
I have lots of intrests. dont we all, I like tattoing..inking and getting inked. I study Ken Jitsu and Tae kwon do. I love photographing women ( mostly pin up style early 40's and 50's. I dont have anything out there right now but im in the works. I love filming short movies( comedy mostly....o.k. some a little naughty but who hasn't)thats about all, but you never know what might catch my intrests XD.
Classic punk, Heavy metal of all ages, Japan's koto and well anything I can dance to. Im not a big fan of country. I like finding music from around the world.

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