36 Year Old
Invited by: CommentYoucom·
Joined on June 26, 2007
Born on January 3rd
I'm an immortal who feeds in the dark of night. I'd be better off alone with my forlorn pulchritude. The light nestles me, but I'm darker than light.
I'm a very open minded person, easily beleaguered by thoughts on the gravity of love. I'm also a closet case Neil Gaiman fan. I hate it when people judge me, misjudge me. Try to know me first before you say something. In that way, both of us won't encounter hurt and the ramification of being judgmental. I care so much that my heart bleeds for nothing.
We all walk the long road. It is up to us on what we make of it. Mediocrity, pain, suffering, ridicule and to anything that turns us into reed, indignant and self destructive individuals (which we are truly not), are all part of life's grandeur. Picture yourself as a beaker and these incessant distaste of a concoction is an amalgam which keeps you of worth and purpose. Let not the downside of life, render us useless, shackle or break us. Instead, let's be insurgent against it. It's really the laughter that helps us endure the unavoidable, not the tears. But we do learn a great deal from heartbreaks and pain. A damn lot!
Every road has an end. Whatever its length it's bound to end. We have to grip the ironies of life in our own way and be embolden by it. We become what we think about.
I end this by simple words from Mr. William Blake:
To see the world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a WILD FLOWER, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour.http://www.friendster.com/cutemari666
36 Year Old
Invited by: CommentYoucom·
Joined on June 26, 2007
Born on January 3rd
Hi there .feel free to add me fan me and sign my guest book .ps. you’ll find that on the left of the profiles. wink....have fun ..kiss kiss Welcome to CherryTAP