>loboshewol...: how do you keep it straight?loboshewol...: lmao Kelly I am sooooo done with his lieing assloboshewol...: she let him have it good lol then he called me to make himself sound good lol*shanking head* he had called me this morn to tell me it was over and then called to tell me kissthis had been tring to talk to him and then said I will call you in the morn so now am I dumbed or not hmmmmloboshewol...: kissthis put a link to his page saying this guy is a jerk ladies beware *god I am funny*->loboshewol...: how do you keep it straight?loboshewol...: I told him she called me at work and my boss told her not to call anymore *batting eyes* cause it upset me rotflmaoloboshewol...: Rocky added me as a friend and was nice gave me a rose but did not come on to me thank go: god lol I am done with men for awhile I can't take all the games thinking of deleting kissthis for now lol or just leave her off line