Invited by: SweetP78·
Joined on June 19, 2007
Born on January 1st
You want to know about me?? Remember this, YOU ASKED FOR IT!! HA HA!
I'm a mom to 2 beautiful boys and wife to a wonderful husband, my best friend, for almost 15 years!!
My boys are 2 and 7! They are absolutely the light of my life!!
I love my life! I love my "job"! My work ROCKS! My family ROCKS!!
I'm a Passion Party Consultant!! Http://www.NicolesPassionParties.com/
I party for a living and I LOVE it!! I help women improve their lives from the bedroom all the way to the bank!!
There are 3 awesome aspects of my business!!
I get to help women with their sex lives by teaching them how to spice things up then choose the perfect products for their own tastes.
I get to make a week's paycheck in 3-8 hours!! I average anywhere from $80 to $400 per night!!
I get to help women with the financial aspect of their lives by helping them start their own Sensual Party Business!! I have watched women go from not being able to pay their rent or having to hide their vehicle to keep it from being repossessed to complete financial freedom!! It is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in my life!!
Sex SELLS ladies and everyone is buying!! With great magazines like the new Tango out on the market, women are SO much more open about their sex lives and with the Sensual Party getting more and more press, EVERYONE wants to have one!!
Are you thinking "But I'm NOT good at selling ANYTHING!"??
NO PROBLEM!! This stuff sells itself!!! You can almost stand there and pass it around and you would STILL sell!! These are the EASIEST products to sell EVER!!
Have a goal?? Need a new car? Want to buy a house? Have Credit Cards you need to pay off? Want Vacation Money?? Want to get out of the house for a few hours and make some extra money?? ALL of these and MORE of your financial goals can be achieved by becoming a Passion Party Consultant!!
Want to earn FREE product??
My hostesses get 10% of the retail sales of their party FREE!! $900 in party sales = $90 in FREE PRODUCT!!!
Plus, my hostesses get a special gift just for having their party! (Hostess gifts change monthly! So email me and ask me "What's the Product of the Month?"!
Just want to spice up your life?
Order products from my website!! Direct Shipping to ANYWHERE in the country!! http://www.NicolesPassionParties.com
Use the Coupon Code REORDER to take 25% off your Sex Toy Order!!!
Invited by: SweetP78·
Joined on June 19, 2007
Born on January 1st
Teaching my boys to be productive members of society.
Being a Passion Party Consultant
Teaching Women about their sex lives!
Surfing the Net
80's hair bands!!! Classic Rock like Led Zeppelin, The Who, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Ozbourne(NO NOT that weirdo you see on television!! Once upon a time he was a musician and not a television FREAK!)
Some Alternative stuff like Violent Femmes
and since I'm not dead, I listen to new stuff too!! :D
:-):-)Here is the link to the new bomber family page I started. If you want to be a part of it, check the page out, read the blog and send a freind request to the page and put a little note in the friend request letting me know you are wanting to join the family and that it is not just a random friend request.FU-Bombers @ fubar
@ fubar