Stopped by and pushed your buttons so why not return the favor...Click the pic to chat with me tell them Sara sent youIf you don't like lounges sorry let me know I will come back and delete (h)
Each year hundreds of thousands of children are abandoned, broken, & bruised..both physically & emotionally by their caretakers &/or worse parents. I say a new peace need befall the land, a caring heart is needed in all & man must gather together to protect our most precious of jewels..our children(h)
Hold close what we touch, be it the tiny speck of sand or the quiet voice of the dove..hold close all we touch..each hand, all hearts, every each leaves a lasting print upon our very being. As we set forth along our path today my friend may our touch be always remembered as one gentle and kind(h)
May you have the strength of Eagles' wings..the faith and courage to fly to new heights..and the wisdom of the universe to carry you there hugs..please have a glorious day`